Government calls off two City Gate tenders

Weekly newspaper Illum reports that Austin Gatt’s Ministry confirmed the cancellation of two tenders for the new CityGate terminus - following reports of irregularities.

The newspaper reports that three weeks ago, it reported a number of irregularities within the tender process – among which was a demand that contractors submit bid bonds that were 941% higher than normal.

Bid bonds are only required when offers exceed €80,000, but in this case, the two offers were priced at €48,000 – meaning that the bid bond should have been placed at 1%, and not at 10% as had happened, the report says.

Another irregularity dealt with the images used as part of a tendering document. The image featured a light-bulb that sporting a brand logo that is supplied by a local contractor – something that violates the principle of an unbiased and balanced tendering process.

Transport Malta, the entity that received the complaints, refused however to answer questions and maintained that these should be referred to the Transport and Infrastructure Ministry, the report says.

It adds that after three weeks of ignored emails, a spokesperson for Minister Austin Gatt would only confirm the cancellation of the two tenders in question:

“The Grand Harbour Regeneration Corporation is cancelling the process that is being referred to and is evaluating the best method for the purchase of the product according to the recommended specifications of the project,” the spokesperson said.

Antoine nahseb hadd go Malta ma jaf bit tgerfix li sar u ghadu qed jsir bit tenders li johorgu min taht il Gvern. Hemm bzonn tigi int hawn tippoppa sidrek biex taparsi turina kemm int hero tal Ministru. Kulhadd jaf li hemm it tgerfix u tbazwir dik hija l-verita habib. Ara l-artiklu fuq siehebkom tal Mosta li ghandu d-djar ta' L-anzjani. TGERFIX, TBAZWIR U TAQLIB
Luke Camilleri
Taghhom f'taghom..flimkien kollox possibli u kollox jirrangaw u t-taxpayer ihallas bla informazzjoni u redikont kif qedin jintefqu t-tazzi tieghu !
CitizenX, are you anonymously accusing Austin Gatt of being a criminal? . Because you may be anonymous (coward that you are) but Saviour Balzan isn't and he is ultimately responsible for what is published on his paper and website. . So, let me ask you again: are you saying that Austin Gatt has broken the law and committed fraud?