Louis Galea appointed PN think-tank president
The former minister has just been tasked with reforming the PN and bring back unity in the party

Louis Galea has been appointed president of the Nationalist Party’s think-tank, AZAD, as part of his task to reform the party.
The news was communicated by the PN on Friday morning, hours after Adrian Delia’s proposal to rope in Galea was unanimously accepted by the party executive.
The PN statement included letters exchanged by Delia and Galea on Friday.
Galea was appointed head of the PN think-tank to have a formal platform for his new job, Delia explained in his letter.
The former PN minister and one of the protagonists of the reform undertaken by Eddie Fenech Adami when he became leader in 1977, accepted the offer.
Galea is expected to hit the ground running and will start his work by meeting the PN sectional committees and different branches.
In his letter of acceptance, Galea gave a glimpse of the talks he has been having with Delia over the past two weeks.
“In our discussions we agreed on the critical situation the party is in. I also know how urgent it is for an Opposition that the party finds unity and calmness to focus effectively on its parliamentary work,” Galea said.
He insisted the job to seek unity was not one person’s work. “For this exercise to succeed genuine goodwill and sacrifices are needed from all those who have the party’s future and national interest at heart.”
Galea promised to conduct his work indepdendently, impartially and with fairness.
Galea had his first meeting with Delia and PN secretary general Clyde Puli on Friday morning.
READ ALSO: Adrian Delia gives PN grandee Louis Galea carte blanche to propose reform