Benchmark exam results see students fare best in English
The end of primary exam results in English, Maltese and Maths are out

Children have scored marginally better in English than Maltese in the Year 6 benchmark exams, figures released by the Education Ministry show.
A statistical breakdown of results shows that half of the candidates who sat for the end of primary exams scored 69 marks or more in Maltese and 72 marks or more in English. In maths, half of students scored 71 or more.
There were 3,723 students who sat for these exams – 1,912 boys (51.4%) and 1,811 girls (48.6%). The students came from 62 State schools, 20 church schools and four independent schools.
The ministry said results were sent to schools in the first week of July and these were sent to all the candidates on 5 July.
The results included the marks that the candidate scored in the different components of the three benchmark subjects as well as the national medians for each component and for each subject to enable parents to compare their child’s performance in each subject with the national median, the ministry said.
Each benchmark exam was blind marked by two markers. A total of 104 markers were involved in this exercise.
National median scores for the individual components
Speaking assessment | Listening comprehension | Reading Comprehension | Writen assessment | |
Allotted marks | 20 | 20 | 30 | 30 |
Maltese | 17 | 16 | 19 | 16 |
English | 17 | 17 | 20 | 18 |
Mental assessment | Written assessment | |
Allotted marks | 20 | 80 |
Maths | 17 | 54 |