[WATCH] Work on Marsaxlokk breakwater underway
The 110-metre structure will protect fishing vessels docked in the harbour during rough weather and will cost around €4 million in EU funds

Work on a new 110-metre breakwater in Marsaxlokk has commenced, and will see up to €4 million invested.
The structure is intended to protect fishing vessels and trawlers from oncoming rough seas during windy weather.
“The new breakwater will provide fishermen with a longer period of time in which they can go out at sea with the peace of mind that they can return back with a safe place to dock their boats,” Infrastructure Minister Ian Borg said.
The breakwater will extend 110 metres outwards, and will be six metres wide.

The depth of the breakwater will be around three and a half metres below sea-level, and boulders used to absorb the water’s impact will be placed on the outer side of the structure.
The project will cost around €4 million, and will be financed by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, Parliamentary Secretary for European Union Funds Aaron Farrugia said.
Borg said that the Marsaxlokk fishing community had been asking for this project for around 14 years, adding that it would also benefit tourist hotspots and restaurants in the area.

“The project will boost the touristic potential Marsaxlokk has, therefore contributing to the economic activity in the area,” Borg said.
Parliamentary Secretary for Fisheries Clint Camilleri said that the project not only helps to boost economic activity in the area, but also protects the fishing industry as a whole.
The project is expected to be completed by next year.