Lidl to discontinue 27 tonnes less of single-use plastic dishware
Discount chain to discontinue all single-use plastic crockery and cutlery and will replace them with completely biodegradable and compostable products

Lidl Malta has announced it will only sell biodegradable and compostable plates, cups and cutlery.
The discount chain, which operates eight stores in Malta, said it will discontinue all single-use plastic crockery and cutlery and will replace them with “green” alternatives, completely biodegradable and compostable.
The supermarket chain said it would be removing about five million products in the form of plates, cups and cutlery from the market, corresponding to nearly 27 tonnes of plastic yearly.
“The company wants to be at the frontline of the battle against single-use plastic, bringing forward the deadline of the EU regulation that will come into force by 2021 in all EU member states. Lidl has taken a wider commitment on this topic which aims to reduce the use of plastic by 20% by 2025,” Lidl Malta regional director Mark Farrugia said.
“Discontinuing single-use plastic from all our shelves will definitely leave a mark on our customers’ shopping habits. This will in turn positively influence behaviours and reap benefits for the environment. As a socially responsible company we feel that this action, within our assortment strategy is very meaningful.”
Customers will instead find biodegradable and compostable crockery and cutlery that, once used and properly disposed, will turn into new resources. The new product line includes: dinner and soup plates, three different types of cups and cutlery all made from PLA, Mater-Bi – both biopolymers derived from corn starch – and cellulose pulp, obtained from the leftovers of fast-growing plants processing, especially sugar cane.