€20 million for road projects

Minister for transport, infrastructure and communications Austin Gatt has announced a €20 million investment in road construction and upgrading, to be completed by June 2012.

It is the first of the pre-electoral capital projects that will see a massive upgrading to major routes on the Maltese transport infrastructure.

The government will be carrying out infrastructural spending on five individual projects. The construction of a dual carriageway road between Fgura and Smart City along with resurfacing of a number of roads in the Cottonera area bordering the Smart City is estimated to cost €1 million. Work is to commence in July 2011.

At project at the US Embassy junction in Ta’ Qali will incorporate a new storm water system, the upgrading of existing storm water culverts and the upgrading of the existing roundabout junction. The estimated cost of the project is €460,000 and has already commenced.

Triq San Anard, Ta’ Barkat in Xghajra will be reconstructed in conjunction with the construction of a new Sewage Treatment Plant at an estimated cost of €880,000.

The Qui-si-sana area is currently being upgraded in conjunction with the Tigne Tunnels and development costing. The estimated cost of the completed project is €1.1 million and is expected to be completed by August 2011.

The Valletta pedestianisation is to be continued with paving of Archbishop Street, Santa Lucija Road, Dejqa Road, parts of Melita Street, Old Theatre Street and parts of Republic Street. Works will commence in May 2011 and are expected to be completed by July 2012 at a cost of €2 million.

€5.4 million will be spent on major roads, €6.5 million in reconstruction, and €7.9 million on residential roads, minister Austin Gatt said.

“Roads are usually the responsibility of local councils, but as these roads are major arteries the government has intervened in their construction,” the minister said.

14 different contractors have been employed on the different on the various projects, stretching contracting capacity to the maximum. So far the projects are all on schedule. 

All residential roads earmarked for government intervention will be completed by June 2012, after which local councils will resume responsibility for maintenance.  

Propoganda....propoganda......hollow Government.
U Ghawdex hlief it-triq mill-Mgarr sad-Dwejra li ilhom sejrin biha 3 snin xejn iktar. U dwar il-kuntratturi f'Ghawdex sa fejn naf jiena hemm tnejn li kpaci jagmlu t-toroq kif dejjem l-istess wiehed jiehu l-offerti u l-iehor forsi jaghmel naqra resurfacing biss? Tipo hokkli dahri ha nhokklok dahrek!!!!!! Sentejn ohra u ghal barra Sur Gvern se jigrilkom bhal Real Madrid kienu kbar imma sabu l-Barcellona armati iktar minnhom u ghal barra, issa jmiss intom u b'ilgri jasal iz-zmien.
Another small example of the actions of the political overclass taking the piss of the Maltese underclass - so they can be kept in power. Roads "the responsability of councils...." indeed!!! So it works - councils have no resources to look after roads(and no capability), then the Govt, out of its magnanimous benevolence, takes over responsability, just before an election! For things that should be ongoing and not used as "bzar fl-ghajnejn"!!!
I love these pictures. They can never find a real one so they produce a fictional version with their press releases :)
The election is coming.
Well...the mediocre road works carried out in Qui-Si-Sana leaves me to believe this will be another wasted project. I am very disappointed in the level of craftsmanship and finishing with the Qui-Si-Sana road project. I cannot believe that everyone believes that the quality of work is of an EU standard. Well, I don't blame anyone as we don't know any better in this micky-mouse of a country!