Former DOI head appointed as Malta’s Head of Representation

Former Director of Information head Martin Bugelli has been appointed as the Head of Representation for the European Commission in Malta.

In its statement, the European Commission described Bugelli’s experience in communication as “an asset for the Commission Representation to play a key role in communicating with Maltese citizens and the media as well as to boost relations with national local authorities, and any other civil society stakeholders.”

Bugelli graduated as a speech therapist in 1981 and began his career with the public service in the Health Department. He holds a degree in English from the University of London as well as a Master of Arts degree in mass communication from the University of Leicester. 

Bugelli has a wide experience in the Maltese government’s communication sector. He served from 2004 to 2008, in Brussels at the Maltese Permanent Representation as attaché and later as head of cabinet.

For a number of years, Bugelli worked within the secretariat of President Emeritus Ugo Mifsud Bonnici, both when Bonnici was a minister and then became president.

Until Bugelli’s appointment, Malta’s representation office was held by Bill Martin, an EU official.

The post has previously been occupied by Joanna Drake who had relinquished her post in Januaury 2010, following her appointment as director within the European Commission.