PN to forgo Workers Day due to John Paul II beatification

PN will not hold customary 1 May political activity and instead pays tribute to Pope who extolled “value of workers”.

The Nationalist party has announced it will not be holding its 1 May celebrations this year with a political activity “so that this doesn’t clash with the beatification of Pope John Paul II, a feast that rekindles the memories of many Maltese and Gozitans of his vists.”

While 1 May is traditionally embraced by the Labour party as a red-letter day in its calendar, the PN never shied away from celebrating the event with a low-key political activity for its supporters.

But it seems the papal beatification has taken precedence this year for the party which earlier this year took an official stand against the introduction of divorce, to be decided by referendum on 28 May.

“Pope John Paul II was instrumental in changing the political history of Europe as we know it today to end communist rule that took over half of Europe from the Second World War onwards,” the PN said in its tribute to the Polish pope.

“He always extolled the value of life and the value of workers, the work that serves humans and through which humans overcome suffering and make the world a just place. His beatification on Workers’ Day is therefore a celebration of all workers in Malta for us to have more work, and better work,” the party statement said.

@il-Malta Today it's looking more like "Religio et Religio"
Right now it's better to back the church rather than the worker so that PN doesn't lose face and at the same time attracts the naysayers of the referendum vote. Hypocrites! For more information log on:
Honestly, I feel the PN have seriously lost it. In the 2013, the only options will be either vote labour or not vote at all. And I do not want to give the PN another five years.
This was the best way to chicken out because they knew that nobody was turning up . Pn never celebrated the 1st of May until 1977 and it was never a success for them
Sammy Cutajar
Imxew skond il Motto famuz li ghandhom, 'Relgio et Patria'. X'tistennew minghandhom?
Patricia Marsh
Can anyone tell me when is the beatification of Dr Lawrence Gonzi pls?
"...His beatification on Workers’ Day is therefore a celebration of all workers in Malta for us to have more work, and better work...”..?!? I read it 5 times, 15 times..i simply dont get it. Can somebody explain this pls? What has the beatification to do with having more and better work ?
Issa m`ghandhomx bzonnu aktar il-haddiem, hlief biex jghabbuh bit-taxxi. Tal PN l-ewwel ma bdew jiccelebraw l-ewwel ta` Mejju kien fl 1977, ghax qabel kienu jghidu li dik festa tal-Komunisti. Issa sabu x-xoqqa f`moxta biex ma jiccelebrawx, u se jtuha ghal qdusija. Oqghod attent Tonio li ma tmurx forsi r-raggiera flok tizbokka minn rasek, tizbokka minn naha ta` wara.
Ghal qalbekk se tkun Sur Qassisu Antoninu Fenech! . Issa dalwaqt tibda tajdilna li qed tara lill Manonna!
fejn qatt iccelebrawh dawn. Meta hadu lill haddiem il-Festi li jaqghu fil-Hdud u Sibtijiet, kif ser taqa din il-festa. Biex jiccelebraw imisshom tawha.
Kollha ghall-genna dawn ta' GonziPN....Huma qallu illi Papa Gwanni Pawlu II dejjem ipprova jaghmel dinja aktar gusta...hlief hawn Malta. Hija gusta illi kabinett jiehu 600E zieda minn wara dahar il-poplu u ma qal lil hadd hlief illi irridu naghmlu s-sagrifggju waqt illi huma jixxalaw minn fuqna! Ara veru trid tkun aghar minn ippokrita biex tghid illi f'Jum il-Haddiem mhux se taghmel cerimonji biex tfakkar il-beatifikazzjoni tal-Papa. Ighdulna ohra forsi nemmnukom!
Mario Said
Hekka veru ghal qalbkom il-haddiem inharsu lejn l-Air Malta, drydocks, il-part-timers, gholi tal-hajja, sptar minghajr medicini, tivvota biex toghli il-kontijet bil-qalb, nuqqas ta' drittijiet u elf haga'ohra ja qatta' ipokretti.
Skuza banali ghax jafu li kieku organizzaw xi haga, hadd ma kien se jmurilhom! U fejn qatt il-PN irrapprezenta l-haddiema?!
Dawn biex juru bic-car lil KULLHADD kemm ghandhom il-HADDIEM ghal qalbu. Imma tal-PN mhux iharsuh imisshom lil Papa Gwanni Pawlu XXIII imma jmexxu fuq it-taghlim tieghu, li kullhadd ugwali, li jekk ikkollok xi haga taqsama ma kullhadd indaqs. Il-PN dejjem ipokreti kienu u dejjem uzaw ir-religjon skond kif jaqbel lilhom. Iccelebara HADDIEM nhar il-hadd ghax dik hija gurnata ddedikata lilek. Kullhadd ghal HAMRUN.
With this gesture, the PN continues to prove the strong links that exist between the local church and the PN party. Whoever thought that the PN would one day take a stand against the local church will always be proved wrong!The church was always, and will always be an ally with the PN. That's why the die hard PN supporters are against the introduction of divorce, just to tow in with the party's line. But many other open minded Nationalists will still vote in favour the introduction of divorce, I know what I'm saying! Just wait until the 28 th of May!Even certain programmes on PBS are taking a twist towards religious issues lately, especially on Friday evenings!
They were probably afraid that nobody would turn up, so they grabbed the excuse to cancel.
Taghtuhomx tort. Dawn kollha qaddisin jimxu fl-art u l-ghan taghhom huwa li jmexxu lill-polu Malti kollu lejn il-genna. L-ezempju li taghna il-beatu Tonio huwa biss wiehed mill-ezempji. Stennew iktar hekk kif joqrob il-jum tar-referendum. X'jigu jaqghu u jqumu mill-haddiem dawn. Mela dawn qatt hamluh lill-haddiem ?.Mhux hekk kien Gwann Pawl 2. Lanqas ser jiccelebraw is-seba' anniversarju ta' meta rgajna sirna kolonja ta' kontinent shih !!. Dejjem jaraw kif jaghmlu biex ikissru lill-haddiem bit-taxxi u b'azzjonijiet fini li kif jipprezentawhom lill-poplu jtuk x'tahseb li jkunu qed jagevolawh meta fil-fatt ikunu dahhlulu musmar iehor . BEATI SUBITO tarax . X'ipokresija ta nies.
This is only an excuse not to celebrate workers day because they were never a workers party.
What a funny party. I seriously hope Labour manages to get them out of power in 2013.