No access for the disabled to the Zurrieq social security department

Social security department's premises that acts as regional branch for the south is a nightmare for the elderly and the disabled.

The Zurrieq branch for the social security department is the subject of complaints from residents, who say the building in which it is housed is simply inaccessible to the disabled and infirm.

The department is housed on the second floor of an old building, which it shares with the post office – which has no accessibility for the disabled either.

Additionally, the staircase itself is narrow, steep and the hand-railing is rusting, a daunting if not impossible chore for the elderly, the disabled and women with children: especially since the office is the regional branch for Qrendi, Ħal Safi, Ħal Kirkop and Mqabba.

Zurrieq mayor Silvio Izzi Savona claims a request by the local council to utilise a ground-floor room in the same building has not yet been answered. He added that following a call made by the social security department to move the Zurrieq branch to a more accessible place, the council is still waiting to know if a place has been chosen.

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Hello Mepa, why is it that when it comes to something governmental all the rules are bent without even a whimper. Then you try to open a 3 meter by 3 meter coffee shop, and if it has two steps, they will ask for a 3 meter long ramp for the disabled just in case one day you have a client in a wheelchair. Fair enough. But then ''the place'' where the disable will come practically every day. Then no. Some rules don't apply.
State-of-the-art? Why not build suitable premises and old people's homes in all localities instead of the vain vanity parliament on stilts, a gate without a gate and a roofless theatre?
Adrian Busuttil
Good grief - it looks like a slum!
And then the Disabled Society comes down on small self -employed business men if they do not install a lift or a ramp-like a tone of brick! Its seems its all politics in Malta!