Gonzi appeals for 'new political initiative' for the Mediterranean

Speaking in Palermo during a European People’s Party (EPP) conference, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi stressed that the the instability currently effecting the Mediterranean regiom region is set to bring about enormous challenges at European level.

“These challenges are not only political, but also economic,” the Prime Minister said.

“In 1989, political values that dominated Eastern European countries led to the collapse of a system, but I am not seeing any political inspiration in any of the countries that have gone through revolutions during these past few months,” Gonzi was reported as saying.

He added: “Today’s revolutions by Facebook and You Tube have brought about a tsunami in the literal sense of the word. We are listening to the voice of the Arab world, which alone has chosen  to pursue the path towards freedom.”

In his speech, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi stressed that in order to address this political, economic and social change, one must find “adequate solutions to ensure a smooth transition towards a healthy democracy rather than abandoning the region to a state of anarchy.”

“Words alone don’t count. We need concrete action, and a new political initiative for the Mediterranean is urgently needed,” Gonzi concluded.