Liquigas denounces cylinder hoarding by Easygas

No cylinders' working stock available from Qajjenza as from today.

Liquigas has said that the cylinder working stock at Qajjenza gas filling plant has been completely depleted.

It denounced what it defined as the failure by the authorities to take any concrete action on the return of Liquigas cylinders being hoarded by Easygas, which it said led to the untenable situation today where gas distributors will have no cylinders to load on their trucks.

The Malta Resources Authority has instructed Liquigas and Easygas to declare, within one day, how may gas cylinders belonging to the other company they hold in their possession, and where they are being held. It had also told them to return the empty cylinders, without payment,within five days.

In a statement, Liquigas said it understood the concern of gas distributors for consumers, and that it ha done all that was possible to safeguard their interests, even buying more thousands of cylinders than actually required in a normal situation.

"But buying more cylinders is not going to solve anything if the authorities do not stop Easygas from persisting in its abusive practice which sole aim is to try to cripple Liquigas. For the last four months, Liquigas has been calling upon the Authorities to take action against the hoarding of Liquigas cylinders by Easygas."

Easygas has to return thousands of Liquigas cylinders to their rightful owners. “Liquigas is not afraid of competition. Let us compete on the price and quality of service, no problem, but hoarding your competitor’s cylinders to cripple his distribution system is definitely an unjust act. In other European countries, when a competitor starts playing a foul game to cripple the other side, the Authorities intervene immediately to restore order. Is Malta an exception?” said Liquigas CEO Roberto Capelluto.

“The situation can be normalised if the authorities issue clear regulations reflecting the good practices adopted all across Europe and not try to re-invent the wheel as this will create even more confusion and in the end will not deliver the aspired benefits for the consumers,” he said.

“All along, Liquigas has been repeatedly telling the Authorities that the situation is deteriorating week by week, day by day. And that there will soon come a day when, unless the Authorities persuade Easygas to return the thousands of cylinders to their rightful owners, there will be no cylinder working stock at Qajjenza. That day has arrived.” he said.

Araw fix gabna dan Gonzipn bla bocci tal-laham. Apatija u letargija biss hawn fil-pajjiz. Kulhadd jaghmel li jrid a skapitu tal-povru cittadin Malti. L-aqwa li Gonzipn u shabhu hadu dawk il 500/600 euro zieda fil-gimgha. X'jimpurthom minn nies. L-aqwa li huma paxxuti bil-kbir.
Luke Camilleri
Akwistajnihom bl'gheruq u xniexel! Kieku kellhom ftit sens ta' pjanar kienu jordnaw aktar cilindri! L'importanti li hadu l-art bid-discount, x'jimpurthom mill-Konsumaturi....lanqas l'ghaqdiet tal-Konsumaturi f'Malta donnhom ma jimpurthomx mid-drittijiet tal-Konsumaturi! PATETICI BHAL MIN GABHOM HAWN!
This is so pathetic. Liquigas are complaining about items that either do not own, or which they have sold. Their predecessor SOLD the gas cylinders and they still SELL them today. SO, gas cylinders aren't yours dear Liquigas. Liquigas do not give their customers a gas cylinder for free for buying their product or service, so your moaning is pathetic and unreasonable. The only thing to do is get more cylinders FAST, else all Malta becomes an Easygas customer. STOP MOANING PATHETIC LIQUIGAS
Luke Camilleri
Dan hu l-Progress li riedu ta' Gonzipn meta bieghu id-distribuzzjoni tal-Gas? Il-Konsumatur gawda minn xi haga...hlief prezzijiet ghola u skarsezzi???????
Give us the deposit money that we gave you and there would be no problem in returning your cylinders.The sum you offered in no way reflects the money we gave you in good faith. In the meantime stop whining and do the right thing Liquigas.