City Gate works on schedule, but no ‘national investment fund’ yet

City Gate works on time and on budget - commuters expected to return to main gateway "within weeks".

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and Transport Minister Austin Gatt today said works on Renzo Piano’s City Gate were on schedule and going according to budget, but a government spokesman also told MaltaToday the finance ministry had to set up the fund that will finance the €80 million project that includes a new parliament building.

MaltaToday was told the ministry “would need a couple more weeks” until details would be announced.

The fund was originally intended to raise revenue through the sale or lease of government properties, so that the Valletta renovation project “would not be a burden on the taxpayer”.

An estimated €40 million has already been paid up in advance. The measure was announced in 2009 during the budget, when Minister Tonio Fenech said the new parliament and theatre would themselves be an investment for the fund, which would in turn rent these buildings to the state.

In 2008 alone, €32 million had been generated from the rent, sale and leasing of government land. The government planned to raise this income by increasing its revenue from the sale of public lands.

Speaking during a visit to the construction site where works are ongoing on the demolition of City Gate, Gonzi expressed satisfaction that works are finally underway and that Valletta would be soon having a gateway suited for “modern times”.

He said this project would be “an open invitation to all to enter Valletta, Malta’s prestigious capital city”.

Gatt added that the public will be expected to return to enter through the main gateway within the next few weeks, which so far is blocked for safety reasons.

The works are being conducted by a Maltese consortium of contractors B.I.B (Bieb il-Belt) comprising of Blockrete, Panta Lesco, Ballut Blocks and Attard Bros. The works on the parliament and theatre building have been entrusted to Polidano Group. The project management is entrusted to Bovis Land Lease, which is in the process of issuing tenders for the stone masonry that will make the new gate as well as the parliament house.

Stones from a Gozitan quarry will be used for the parliament and the theatre, while Maltese quarries will provide the huge slabs for City Gate.

Hallas poplu halli ahna noqghodu nippozaw
Xi Hlew - the two friends. Pablo Escobar and Himmler - a match made in Malta.
@Thorny...Dr Gonzi jigi jaqa` u jqum minn dak illi int u jien nahsbu u nghidulu...l-aqwa jkun hemm xi haga biex dan il-poplu jiftakru.
Luke Camilleri
Biex irid jithaq Dr. Gonzi Ibikki Poplu qieghed bil-kapricc tieghu ta' Bini ta' parlament gdid meta hemm Bini storiku fejn jiltaqghu id-deputati ( meta jkun hemm quorum) , tnehija ta' pjazza, u Bin ta' Hitan ta' Bitha li qieghed jissejjah Tejatru bla Saqaf!.... U min qieghed ihallas u pajjiz jiddejjen ghal dan il_kapricc ta' Gonzi? Il-pplu diga imkisser bil-kontijiet ta' Malta. Ahjar halla Pjazza miftuha fejn kienet Pjazza Helsien u kien jinkludi mal Pjazza il-fdalijiet tat _treatru Rjal - jkun speciu ta' park ghal open air performances. U kien jirranga l-entratura u barra bid-daqq u b'inqas spsses! Dawk flusna Dr. Gonzi ghamel naqra ekonomija mit-taxxi taghna fdat f'idejk!
‘Il-Brecca’ is an ideal name instead of City Gate!!!!Thank God we are not going to be invaded by the Ottomans. I wander what La Vallette and Francesco Laparelli would have thought seeing the new breach through their beloved fortification wall!!!
Abdullah alhrbi
Dr.Gonzi expressed satisfaction that works are finally underway and that Valletta would be soon having a gateway suited for “modern times”. Modern Times, modern times !!! And they said that city gate, the buses and the Triton Fountain were to be removed to" reverse the the Modernist obsession with progress at the expense of preservation" !!!!! Did the Prime Minister mean contemporary, did he actually read the Piano commentary? There is hope for the future, politicians can actually do stand up comedy!
Soon...these two faces will be history!
Please stop talking about "City Gate" which is no more. It's "City Gap" or "City Gash" now.
The fat cats become fatter and the mice get thinner.
Phillip Martin Micallef
what a nice FREE ADVERT for BOVIS Land Lease!!!!!!!!!! wonder they are getting Eur1.6 MILLION for consultancy..................More that the contractors are getting till now!!!!!!!!................l-aqwa li barranin!!!
The equation all this construction is quite simple. Issue Bonds of 80 million euros so far, more if need be. Issue Permits for demolition and new structures to the circle of insiders who must show their appreciation for these contracts through donations. Then issue more Bonds that future generations must pay to make up for the deficits and out of control national debt. This picture seems to indicate that one politician is pointing to the other what the benefits for these contracts would mean to them and their political affiliations. Their retirement is fully guaranteed.
Tajba din il-parlament u t-tejatru jinbnew bi flus il-gvern u mbaghad jinkrew lill-istata (lill-gvern nassumi) u b'hekk jiggeneraw il-qlieh??? Jien fhimt sewwa jew le?
Il-flus ghal dan il progett minn fejn gejjin? Mill privat jew minghand il-gvern mit-taxxi li jigbor? Fejn huwa imsemmi fil budget dan il progett biex ikunu ivvutati il flus ghalih? Dan ser ikun il cavallo di battaglia tal PN ghal elezzjoni li gejja bhal ma kien il Mater Dei ghalkemm dan dam jinbena 17 il-sena u spicca falla pajjiz u ghamel ponn nies sinjuruni.
How about creating our own Rushmore Memorial next and give the tritons faces of political personalities, starting with the two above. Might even win the fountain a place within Valletta....
Maureen Attard
Mur gib lil George Borg Olivier jara progett tieghu jigi mkisser hekk, biex naghmlu passagg flok dan il-bieb. Hela ta' flus il-poplu.
X'kumbinazzjoni !!! Polidano Group huwa nvolut !!!!!!!!!!