Floriana mayor slams triton's fountain 'transfer' and minister's arrogance

Floriana mayor Nigel Holland has launched an appeal to Mepa, NGO’s and all interested parties to speak up and to halt government plans to move the triton’s fountain from its current place to a side-lined zone at the bus terminus.

Speaking during a press conference, Nigel Holland lambasted infrastructure minister Austin Gatt, branding him as “blatantly arrogant” for repeatedly taking decisions without any consultation.

The Floriana mayor stressed that it was unacceptable that a national landmark monument such as the triton’s fountain that was created by sculptor Vincent Apap in the 1950’s to enhance the Mall and King Edward VII Avenue, be removed from where it stands and be “squeezed” bext to the RAF memorial.

Nigel Holland explained that although the triton’s fountain does not technically fall anymore within the confines of Floriana, the local council always made it known that the monument “historically” fell within its boundaries.

“What I cannot understand is who is responsible for such decisions that are being taken without any consultation, and worse to the detriment of such important national monuments,” Holland said, adding that “Malta is probably the only country in the world that plays musical chairs with monuments.”

He stressed that Grand Master Vilhena’s monument may hold the “world record” for being moved around, explaining that this monument has been “transferred four times” in the span of a few years and it is high time that they now leave this Grand Master alone.”

The Floriana mayor said that although the triton’s fountain does not fall within the confines of his local council, “the matter interests us juridically.”

He said that by removing the monument, serious aesthetic damage will be caused to the alignment of monuments that adorn Floriana’s Mall leading to the Valletta City Gate.

He claimed that removing the monument would certainly cause damage to the structure, mainly because it was built on a structure that includes a number on underground tunnels and a system of air-vents that allow the circulation of water that flows out of the fountain.

“When the monument was commissioned, great attention was given to its height, as it was imperative that the designs did not obstruct the line of sight of either the Floriana Mall or the Valletta City Gate.

“I expect Mepa to speak up and ensure due protection for the triton’s fountain.”

Meanwhile, a government statement confirmed the infrastructure ministry’s intention to “move” the triton’s fountain and have it “restored” but denied Labour party spokesman and Mepa board member and employee Roderick Galdes who said that the monument will be “removed.”

Naa Obinna
Insomma, x'tistenna minn xi hadd imlaqqam "Rottweiller". Anke "JCB" toqghodlu perfettament - ghax veru gaffa!
moving historical movements reflect our lack of national pride towards our heritage and cultural aptitude. the reconstruction for the entrance to Valletta should have included such monuments in the plans and not juggle them around. this also applies to not so old momumenst. some have been simply constructed more as an obstruction rather then an historic memorial. again a reflection towards colonial servitude. sad indeed
It's a shame that the triton fountain is being treated this way. This fountain represents the entrance to Valletta and repreent Maltese histroy. Could you imgaine not having the Trevi fountain in Rome. Thr triton fountain is much better. Shame on our so called planners
Sa fl`ahhar, kont hadt ir ruh meta smajt li dak il mandra ta bieb il- Belt ser jitnehha minn wicc id- dinja izda malajr dhalt go qoxorti ghax ghidt bejni w bejn ruhi.... ghaliex se jnehhu dik il mandra ta bieb li wara kollox ghamluha huma stess minfloka ser jaghmlu mandra ohra? Anzi tnejn jekk tghodd ukoll it-teatru bla saqaf.Tghid il-fdalijiet tal bieb ser jitfuh wara l`Addollorata in-naha ta Hal-Luqa fejn kienu tefghu il-mina l`antika u minn hemm tosfor? insomma m`hemm xejn x`tiehu hlief concrete u hadid. Rigward il-monument tas Sette Gugnio naghti tort lil Partit Laburista ghax ma pprotestax kemm kellu jipprotesta.Nispera li jekk jitla il- PL fl`elezzjoni li gejja jerga jaghmel il-monument fi pjazza San Gorg fejn kien qabel. PS...Hemm cans nergu nwaqqu it-teatru u nergu nibnuh dicenti?
Halli nghid din bil-Malti halli aktar tohrog kif inhossa ! Id-decizzjoni tal-ministru Austin Gatt, bil-barka ta' Lawrence Gonzi, li jnehhi l-unika funtana sura li ghadna f'pajjizna, hija bicca gennata ohra ta' dan il-ministru ! Kif qal il-kuratur tal-arti - jekk qed niftakar ismu tajjeb - dik il-funtana ma tistax tizzarma u terga tinbena ghax titkissre. U nemmen li Austin gatt jafu dan, izda billi dik il-funtana hija " monument " iehor ta'gvern laburista, allura trid titnehha, kif tnehha l-monument tas- " Sette Giugno " mill-pjazza San Gorg ! Eddy Privitera
Abdullah alhrbi
At last, an articulated voice of protest! It is very true what Mr. Holland says re public monuments, the unfortunate Vilhenna monument was the first to be evicted from its original spot. No consultation is Dr. Gatt's regime of practice. Why the Honourable minister keeps insisting on no consultation does make one wonder what his self-talk is like. Interestingly on the wiki site http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triton_Fountain_(Malta), it is claimed that the government has published the commentary from the architect's studio and that it will be commissioning studies on the best way to treat and restore the fountain to its original glory. LOL! How that can ever happen if it is removed from its present location with all that it technically implies makes the mind boggle! Further to what Mr. Holland stated, it is very obvious that Dr. Gatt holds local visual art in great contempt. I hope the artistic community will rise to the challenge and ensure that the achievements of Maltese visual artists such as Vincent Apap are accorded the proper respect by political decision makers regardless of how creatively challenged these philistines are.
Ma tarax li danil-Gvern mhux ser ihalli monument bhal dak hemm hekk. Tinsewx dak ghalmlu Gvern tal-Labour u mhux ser ihallih hemm hekk zgur. Dak irid jispicca x'imkien mormi fejn ma jidhirx. Wait and see. U gie jaqa'u jqum minn Bieb lil-Belt li kien li kien mibni fi zmien il-Gvern ta' Borg Olievier ma ma jigix jaqa' u jqum mill-funtana, ma tarawx. Imbaghad jekk qal hekk dak l-arroganti li trid tghaddi tieghu bilfors zgur hekk ser isir u p-PRIM qisu pupu bl-ispaga mmexxi minnu.
Isn't it obvious why they want to remove it? . The Tritons fountain is just about the only beautiful thing about the current terminus/city gate area. From the artists' impressions I've seen, it will probably still be the most beautiful thing in the area once the project is complete.
Leave the fountain where it is. You are exhausting us with all these desecrations to our buildings and monuments.