Parliament folds up for the Christmas holidays
Parliament is in recess until the 20 January, by which time Malta will have a new prime minister

Parliament has adjourned for its traditional Christmas recess at a time of great political turmoil brought about by developments in the Daphne Caruana Galizia murder.
The last votes related to the Budget were taken this morning and the House is now adjourned until the 20 January by when Malta is expected to have a new prime minister.
The Opposition Nationalist Party boycotted the last sessions of Parliament as it demanded the immediate resignation of Prime Minister Joseph Muscat.
The country has been thrust into turmoil after businessman Yorgen Fenech was arrested and accused of being the mastermind in the Caruana Galizia murder.
Fenech’s arrest snowballed into a full blown political crisis after he implicated Keith Schembri, the prime minister’s former chief of staff, in the murder.
Valletta has seen numerous large protests over the past few weeks as people demanded Muscat’s immediate resignation.
Labour MPs and ministers have been pelted by eggs and had abuse hurled at them by protesters as the political heat escalated.
The Prime Minister has said he will resign on 12 January by which time the Labour Party is expected to elect a new leader.