A ‘Yes’ vote means yes for solidarity - StandUP

StandUP, the newly formed movement that supports the introduction of divorce in Malta, held a debate in Sliema and urged youths to vote ‘yes’ in the coming referendum.

A ‘yes’ vote in the divorce referendum is a vote in favour of solidarity. 

“Why shouldn’t we offer a second chance to those whose marriage has failed?” the movement argued.

The debate hosted a panel that was composed of Illum editor Julia Farrugia, PN local councillor Cyrus Engerer, StandUP’s spokesperson Nikita Alamango and Alex Muscat, member of the Labour think-tank Ideat.

“Two weeks after the referendum I’ll be getting married. I don’t feel threatened by it and neither should others,” Farrugia said. “The reality today already shows how separations and annulments are increasing – and divorce has nothing to do with it.”

Farrugia said divorce frees those persons who feel trapped because of their situation. “By voting yes I don’t feel I’ll be committing a sin. I thought for long about it, did my own conscience exam and came to the conclusion that my ‘yes’ vote will be a solidarity vote.”

Engerer reiterated that the introduction of divorce will not break down marriages. “Divorce legislation will bring on the same level those who live together as a family, but on paper are not recognised as such. As the law stands today, they are second class citizens,” Engerer said.

He argued that a state should have laws which safeguard the minority. “Voting yes would mean voting for equality and fighting against discrimination – two issues which are listed as fundamental human rights by the United Nations.”

Engerer added that if state is “discriminating” against those whose married has failed, “imagine what society does.”

21-year-old Nikita Alamango, one of the founders of the StandUP movement, argued that those who believe in cohabitation do not believe in marriage. “We believe in divorce because we believe in marriage. We believe in giving a chance to those who want to find stability in their lives,” she added.

Alamango explained that the proposed divorce is a responsible one as it guarantees alimony to the first family. She added that the more she listens to what those who are against divorce say, the more she feels she has to vote in favour.

“We have no right in deciding for others what to do with their lives,” Alamango concluded.

Muscat argued that the affluence of a country is based on civil rights. “In countries next to us, people have engaged in civil wars to obtain their civil rights,” Muscat said, adding Maltese and Gozitans alike are lucky to be living in a democratic country where they can voice their opinion.

Muscat reiterated all divorce does is recognise a state of fact. “No one is imposing divorce. One should vote yes because it is a civil rights. It’s up to the person what to do then. It does not mean that all those who are in favour of divorce will use it,” he said.

Muscat added in a modern civil society, citizens must learn to how to live together in diversity, understand there are people with different ideas.

Present also at the debate was comedian Chyrsander Agius, who said he is endorsing the 'Yes' campaign because he believes it is a right which offers the chance of a new life.

Taf nikita alamango li fejn daħal id-divorzju żdiedet il-koabitazzjoni u mhux naqset... kif tista' tgħid li hu divorzju responsabbli meta se jkun no fault divorce... x'ħin iridu jinfirdu u mingħajr raġuni.... Solidarjeta nuriha billi nivvota le għax kull fejn daħal id-divorzju ma għamilx ġid iżda iżjed ħsara.
People who vote "yes" are using their own minds--NOT to be being manipulated and dictated to by that revolting little place in Rome, aka the catholic inquisition.
Luke Camilleri
A ‘Yes’ vote means yes for solidarity and also a big YES for TOLERANCE and MINORITY RIGHTS!
When commenting on the Law of Moses, Jesus gave the answer “I desire mercy and not sacrifice” and Jesus argued “sometimes the Law of God is set aside, when the humanitarian circumstances of mercy demand such”. Jesus himself broke the Sabbath Law (the Fourth Commandment) for medical necessity without committing sin when he healed persons on a Sabbath. One could also break the Sabbath – the fourth commandment which though still valid is rarely observed – to save the life of a sheep without committing sin, how much more a man. A man lifting a donkey out of a pit on the Sabbath to save its life was in clear violation of the Law of Moses, but the MERCY OVER SACRIFICE law of God kicked in and excepted the man from sin. God’s LAW of respect for the life of animals came in direct conflict with the Sabbath Law and the Sabbath Law gave way to the higher law of MERCY OVER SACRIFICE. Divorce and remarriage is likely the hardest issue facing Christians today. If Scripture expressly allows only fornication and desertion as grounds for divorce (NOT ANNULMENT) and remarriage (Matt 5:32; 19:9; I Cor 7:12-16,27-28), then we have an opportunity to practice our principle. There will be cases short of adultery or desertion, but similar or worse in effect, where divorce is justified by this rule alone. Are you timid to apply this rule by faith? Not if you are like the man after God’s own hearth! Shake free from the unmerciful bondage of Pharisaism and find the liberty of Jesus Christ. God and everyone else wishes that marriage is until death do us part. However during Moses time God realising that this was not that possible, allowed Moses to introduce divorce. Our God is the same God that Moses had. So considering the higher law God of MERCY OVER SACRIFICE, my conscience is clean to accept divorce.
The point is that one can be personally against divorce and still vote yes. The referendum question is not whether you personally is in favour of divorce (Like what gonzi wanted), but whether divorce should be introduced for those who want to use it. i can't imagine how anyone, unless being the Maltese version of the Talibans, can say "no, I don't like it and you shall not have it" !.
Ha tkun vera triq difficli ghal moviment IVA. Il maggoranza taz zaghzagh fuq facebook ivvutaw IVA ghal introduzzjoni tad Divorzju responsabbli u min dak in nhar il moviment LE qed jghamlu posters kbar bwicc ta KRISTU u jijtbu Kristu Iva divorzju LE, flok Gesu jiena Nafda dik. Qeghdin jaqghu bl-iktar mod baxx billi qeghdin jzeffnu lil Kristu u jigdbu fuqu. Ghalhekk inhegeg lin nies nohorgu Nivvutaw IVA ghal dan id dritt civil biex nuru li ahna poplu Tolleranti. Kuragg is Sewwa jerbah zgur!
well done, proset! Let no Political differences matter in this case. This is a Civil right!
These young peole who set up STAND UP ! deserve a bid thank you. Young people are the key to success on May 28. If the vast majority of young people follow the example of these youngsters, Malta can win on May 28 with a 'YES' vote ! I am 73 but I am as eager as these youngsters to see Malta no longer being dominated by priest-politicians ! eddy Privitera