Bright and sunny beginning expected in the New Year
The temperature is expected to drop to a low of 7°C between New Year's Eve and New Year's Day

Today’s partly cloudy skies are set to clear in time for a relatively bright start to 2020. The Meteorological Office is forecasting a mainly sunny and dry New Year’s Day for the Maltese islands.
Today’s rather strong winds are expected to gradually die down to allow islanders and visitors to enjoy a calmer start to the New Year characterised by light to moderate winds blowing from a north-northwesterly direction, becoming moderate to rather strong as the day progresses.

The chilly weather of recent days, caused by air descending from Russia due to a cold anticyclone covering most of Europe, will persist in the first few days of 2020.
Between today and the second day in January, the air temperature is forecast to peak at a maximum of 15°C and drop to a low of 7°C, with the minimum temperature gaining a couple of degrees by the weekend.
These forecast end-of-year temperatures will see 2019 end on a nippy note. However, the coldest New Year’s Eve on record remains the last day of 2014, when the air temperature plummeted to 2.1°C and the Maltese islands woke up to a frosty 2015.