Portes des Bombes subway to be rebuilt
The pedestrian subway in Blata l-Bajda is set for a major makeover to facilitate bus passenger movement at the busy junction

Bus passengers using the busy junction at Portes des Bombes will have a new, modern pedestrian subway to transit between different routes, Transport Minister Ian Borg said.
The area is currently served by a decrepit pedestrian subway that people resent using and stairs.
Borg said in a Facebook post that Infrastructure Malta, the roads agency, has drawn up plans to rebuild the subway and introduce lifts to facilitate passenger transit at the junction in Blata l-Bajda.

“The subway will be wide and well-lit and will have a tea shop at street level, public toilets and other passenger facilities,” Borg said.
The subway will also include bicycle racks for commuters who would want to continue their journey by bus.
The area has among the busiest bus stops on the island, which serve as a changeover for many passengers who prefer to switch buses in Blata l-Bajda rather than at the main bus depot in Valleta.
Borg said the project formed part of government’s emphasis to encourage more people to use alternative modes of transport.
Borg was reconfirmed as transport and infrastructure minister in Robert Abela’s new Cabinet, however he lost the Planning Authority from his portfolio, which was shifted to to the environment ministry.