Labour files motion of disapproval on finance ministry's withholding of honoraria

The Opposition has filed a parliamentary motion this evening calling on the House to express its disapproval at the non-transparent manner in which the Cabinet approved an arbitrary increase in ministers’ salaries.

The motion calls for the disapproval of Cabinet’s “insensitive, arbitrary and non-transparent” decision to increase ministers’ salary with an increase parliamentary honorarium that was not paid to other MPs.

The Cabinet took a decision on 5 May, 2008 to increase the salaries for the Prime Minister and government ministers and parliamentary secretaries by being paid their MP’s honorarium as well as a higher salary.

The MP’s honorarium turned out to be a higher honorarium than those other MPs, and salaries were bumped up with four-fold increase in duty allowances.

The same decision should have included a similar increase for the salaries of the Speaker of the House and the Opposition leader, whose salaries are indexed to the Cabinet’s.

But so far the Cabinet has not forwarded this salary increase to the Opposition leader, despite having been already revealed by MaltaToday in October 2008 and later on last year by Joseph Muscat.

“This House is concerned that the parliamentary honoraria to the Prime Minister, ministers and parliamentary secretaries were not paid from the parliamentary estimates as required by the rules, but were taken from other budgetary votes without informing parliament.

“It notes that the Opposition leader has not yet been awarded his salary as decided on 5 May 2008; notes the Opposition leader’s public declaration to forward his honorarium increase to the charitable fund chaired by Judge emeritus Philip Sciberras, since he believes it is not opportune to claim this increase while so many families are passing through difficult times;

“Considers government’s attitude, in particular the finance minister’s, as a lack of respect to parliament and the people.”

In the wake of the controversy that embarrassed the government, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said ministers will be refunding some €14,000 in the increased honoraria they were paid since May 2008. But they would still retain the basic €19,000 honorarium they are paid as MPs every year, and refund the extra money they were paid as part of an ‘increased’ honorarium of €26,000 they were being paid in the past two years.

When the Cabinet decision was made public last year, Labour leader Joseph Muscat had been strongly against the “double salary” and promised to donate the entire €133,855 he would have received over five years to charity. The Times reported that Muscat never got the supplementary pay he was meant to receive along with ministers and parliamentary secretaries, and the government had refused to explain why.

As far as I know a Mayor in some remote Gozitan village had to resign, whilst a member of the Sliema Local Council was arrested and stripped searched - and this because they were simply accused of using a laptop financed by our taxes. Well, well, I wonder what John Rizzo and his motley crew of Police force will do to these 'poor' cabinet ministers, lead by Santu GonziPN and Tonio Cucmalti Madonni visionaries, for having dipped their cheeky sticky hands into the taxes that they impose on our own families..?
Biex tiehdu iz-zieda minn wara dahrna ma kellix tidhirlek il-Madonna Sur Tonio Fenech? Kif ma tisthux terzqu biex titqarrbnu nhar ta'Hadd...sewwa qal Gesu fuq nies bhalkom: Hemm hafna illi jghajtu Missier, Missier, imma ftit jaghmlu ir-rieda kliem iehor IPPOKRITI...ghal darbtejn: L-ewwel ghax taghmlu kontra dak illi temmnuh fih; u t-tieni tippretenduha ta' hi li ateju li jaghmel tajjeb ma'hutu nassikurakhom li meqjus iktar kredenti minnkom...isthu!! Kieku ghamiltu hekk f'pajjiz civilizat kollha l-habs kontu tispiccaw..imma f'Malta id-divorzju biss ma jghaddiex imma dawn il-hnizrijiet kollox sew!
Christopher Briffa
Min jaf tinsabx imdejqa il-Madonna bil mod kif saret din iz-zieda. Forsi Tonio jista jilluminana.
Let`s see who will vote Bil Qalb against this motion like he did on the new electricity tarrifs . Shame on who is refusing to give the allowance to Dr Muscat so he can pass it to people in need . Things like this is what makes our God weeps when he sees all this Babilonia that is going on in Malta
Now Tonio Fenech will pray to the Madonna tad-Duluri to enlighten him on how to get out of this mess!!!
Isabelle Borg
And as usual, no one is held accountable for this mess.
In a democratic and responsible country, this scandal would have inevitably lead to the resignation of the Minister of Finance and a sincere apology from the Prime Minister - plus obviously a FULL REFUND of what was illicitly taken from the public coffers. Obviously in the twisted double-faced christain dictatorship of GonziPN everything is fair and acceptable - depending who the actor is. If anyone has the cheek to attempt to ride over this now blantantly obvious scandal - it speaks millions of what the same bunch of crap is capable of doing on less transparent matters! Mind you .... not that I am expecting an all PL government to do any better after the first 5 yrs. in office....
We indeed have a Mickey Mouse government. Gonzipn par idejn sodi, and Tonio cucmalti Fenech have wrought havoc of our finances to line up their own pockets . That is from our own taxes. No wonder so many taxes were imposed on us. Obviously to amke good for their heft increase in the honoraria and other extras. Indeed this is a misappropriation of funds OUR funds that is. But Gonzipn had the cheek that while he had already been enjoying these increases for more than TWO years, he wanted by right the people to make sacrifices. How low, rock bottom can our Gonzipn stoop. No wonder that Joseph Muscat said that one can never trust Gonzipn.
oqodu ghatenti xtajdu fuq ir reverendu tonio fenech, ghax dan deritlu il madona.