Bajd u Bejken: Is there such a thing as ‘crossing the line’?
By normalising vulgar and derogatory comments about women - even making it seem cool and trendy - we are heading towards a slippery slope
We're paying too high a price to overcome obesity
Like anything in life worth achieving, there are no short cuts to maintaining a healthy weight, but the ultimate long-term benefits will outlive any of the latest weight loss...
A budget from the heart | Lydia Abela

These initiatives, and many more, form the foundation of a budget born from the heart, with the lives and well-being of the people in Malta and Gozo at its core

These initiatives, and many more, form the foundation of a...

When enough people are thoroughly fed up, maybe things will start to change

The wave of greed which has swept over the country over the last few years did not appear out of thin air but has been a deliberate, systematic approach which...

The wave of greed which has swept over the country over the...

Due diligence and scrutiny… but only if you’re a nobody

Even though Robert Abela was not Prime Minister at the time, the fact that he...

Even though Robert Abela was not Prime Minister at the...

Focus | Young minds tell it as it is in new podcast mini-series

In a new collaboration between MaltaToday and MCAST, we take you on a...

In a new collaboration between MaltaToday and MCAST,...

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