Saudi women defy drive ban

Saudi women are set to defy a ban on driving Friday, one month after Manal al-Sharif was jailed for taking the wheel and posting footage of her rebellious act online.

The demonstrations are the climax of a two-month online campaign riding the winds of the so-called Arab spring which has spread mass revolts across the region and toppled two regimes.

But instead of organising a protest, women who have driving licences obtained abroad are being urged to get behind the wheel calmly and run their errands themselves without relying on male drivers.

The main Facebook page campaign, dubbed Women2Drive, says the action will start on Friday and keep going "until a royal decree allowing women to drive is issued."

Women in Saudi Arabia face an array of constraints, ranging from having to cover from head to toe in public and needing authorisation from a male guardian to travel, to having restricted access to jobs due to strict rules of segregation.

Due to the ban, women end up having to hire foreign drivers whose wages eat into their household incomes. If they cannot afford a driver, they have to rely on male members of their immediate families to give them a lift.

There is no law banning women from driving in the oil-rich kingdom, but the interior ministry imposes regulations based on a fatwa, or religious edict, stipulating women should not be permitted to drive.

The last en masse protest against the ban was held in November 1990 when a group of women stunned Saudi men by driving around Riyadh in 15 cars before being arrested.

The women were provoked at the time by the sight of US female soldiers who were taking part in the first Gulf War driving military vehicles freely in their own country while they are banned.

Some of them reportedly said then that as their country was in a war after Iraqi troops invaded neighbouring Kuwait, they felt like "sitting ducks" as they could not drive in case they needed to save their families.

The 47 women who took part in that protest were severely punished, with authorities suspending many from public sector jobs and reprimanding their male guardians.

They also faced a defamatory campaign with pamphlets calling them whores.

Recently, a Saudi woman braved the ban testing the waters ahead of the protest. She was severely punished.

Manal al-Sharif, a 32-year-old mother, found herself behind bars for two weeks last month after defying the ban more than once and posting a video on the Internet showing her driving around Eastern Province.

King Abdullah was petitioned by 3,345 people to intervene on her behalf, while some 24,000 people expressed support on a Facebook page set up to call for her release.

Sharif's action came a few days after another Saudi woman, Najla al-Hariri, drove in the western region of Jeddah over a few days, insisting on her right to drive.

Six other women were detained for hours last week after being caught learning to drive in an empty plot in north Riyadh. They were released after their male guardians were called in by police and signed pledges not to drive.

Joseph Galea
Up to a few weeks ago, the anti-divorce lobby in Malta used to argue that the right to divorce was not a civil right since the laws of the country did not allow divorce. Many, like me, held that it was a civil right not yet recognised by our laws. The situation in Saudi Arabia is another case in point. Would those same people argue that women in Saudi Arabia do not have a civil right to drive simply because a male conservative gerontocracy refuses to allow them to drive? The women have the civil right but it is being denied. Civil rights are not granted out of generosity by the government of the country.
Saudi Arabia looks so fundamentalistic, right? But here in Malta we have just begun to get out of our fundementalism with the referendum approving divorce. IVF seems to be the next battleground and it won't that easy for liberal Malta: