'33,000 troops to leave Afghanistan' - Obama

President Barack Obama has made a televised address announcing plans to pull out 10,000 troops from Afghanistan by the end of this year, followed by 23,000 in 2012.

In a speech outlining a shift in US policy, the US President said after the initial reduction, more troops will be pulled out at a steady pace as Afghans take over their own security by 2014.

"America, it is time to focus on nation-building here at home," he said.

President Obama said the US is able to remove troops because al Qaeda is under more pressure than at any time since the terror attacks on September 11, 2001, that precipitated the war.

He said the US will join initiatives aimed at reconciling the Afghan people, including the Taliban, as the Afghan government and security forces are strengthened.

Meanwhile, UK Prime Minister David Cameron has said the speed of UK troop withdrawals will be based on conditions on the ground.

The two leaders discussed the decision by telephone on Wednesday afternoon amid
pressure on the Prime Minister to speed the drawdown of British forces from the
combat zone.

Downing Street said Cameron had "fully agreed" the President's assessment
of the Afghan situation and that they discussed the implications of the US

NATO's Secretary General has welcomed Obama's announcement, saying it follows close consultations with NATO Allies and partners.

"Those [surge] troops were part of an international effort to turn the tide in Afghanistan," said Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

"We can see the tide is turning. The Taliban are under pressure. The Afghan security forces are getting stronger every day and the transition to Afghan security lead is on track to be completed in 2014."

The announcement comes as William Hague reportedly confirmed that peace talks have taken place between the British Government and the Taliban.

The Foreign Secretary is said to have made the comments in an interview with The Sun as reports emerged he is in Afghanistan on a surprise visit.

Vietnam II
Brave move Mr President