'Gaddafi could stay in Libya' - Rebels

Libyan rebels rule out any role for Muammar Gaddafi in a future government but could let him remain "in a remote part of Libya" as part of a settlement, France's Le Figaro reported today.

The newspaper quoted Mahmoud Shammam, spokesman for the rebel National Transitional Council (NTC), as confirming indirect talks were going on with Gaddafi's side.

"Yes, these contacts are under way through intermediaries. But the talks are never direct. They happen at times in South Africa, sometimes in Paris, where Gaddafi has recently sent a representative to talk to us," Shammam said.

"We consider that he has to resign himself to leaving or accept retirement in a remote part of Libya. We have no objection to him retreating to a Libyan oasis under international control," he added.

But he stressed: "Our conditions have not changed: Gaddafi and his family members can absolutely not participate in a future government."

Gaddafi vowed in a state television broadcast this week to fight on until the end. A rebel uprising backed since March by a NATO-led bombing campaign has so far failed to dislodge him.

Shamman said rebels would talk with "any technocrat or Libyan official who does not have any blood on their hands" over the creation of an interim government with the task of organising elections.

A former foreign minister who has defected said on Thursday he believed Gaddafi was negotiating asylum either elsewhere in Africa or in Belarus.

"I think that he will leave Libya in a few weeks," Abdurrahaman Shalgam told Italy's Corriere della Sera TV.

Jigifieri talmonte.... qered in-nies u n-nies ser itellghuh? U sknod int dan il-pajjiz ma hux sovran bizzejjed biex jaghzel lil min irid?? Jien nahseb li min qed jaghmel gwerra qed joqtol zgur. X'qed jghidu li kien isir qabel ghadu ma hux ppruvat ghax kieku jien l-ewwel wiehed li nikkundanna kull vjolenza. Jekk joghgbok wegibni wara li tistaqsi lis-sirjani li hawn malta..x'qed jigri fis-sirja........ghala hallew lis-sirjani jigu maqtula b'dittatorjali u ma ddefendewx lis-sirjani bhal ma ghamlu fil-libja???
@talmonte Don't exagerate. . Initialy the rebels wanted Gadaffi and his family dead, then they opted for him and his family to leave Libya, now they would settle for Gadaffi to be reloacted in some distant part of Libya. Doesn't this sensless change in conditions every few weeks make one think : "Hey do these guys know what they want? Can't they finish what they started or what they were prodded to start? Are the foreigners behind all this giving up seeing the cost of it all? . Does the rest of the world know the real truth behind all this?
bejn il linji kif tista tavdah fuq elezzjoni meta dan qered nofs il poplu, dan huwa hitler tal 2011
Mela r-ribelli qedghin jibzghu li l-poplu Libyan jaghzel lil Gaddafi jew? Din x'demokrazija jridu jekk il-poplu ma hux ser ikun sovran???LOL