Gay sex is a disease, says India health minister

India's health minister Ghulam Nabi Azad describes homosexuality as a "disease" and warns that it is "spreading fast" in the country.

Azad also told a meeting that gay sex was "unnatural", as activists slam his comments as "unfortunate".

Gay sex was decriminalised in the country in a landmark judgement in 2009, a ruling that was widely welcomed by India's gay community, which said the order would help protect them from harassment and persecution.

Azad told a meeting on HIV/Aids in Delhi on Monday that gay sex "which was found more in the developed world, has now unfortunately come to our country and there is a substantial number of such people in India".

"Even through it [homosexuality] is unnatural, it exists in our country and is now fast spreading, making it tough to detect it," he said.

"With relationships changing, men are having sex with men now. Though it is easy to find women sex workers and educate them on sex, it is a challenge to identify men having sex with men."

United Nations special rapporteur on health Anand Grover however criticised Azad's comments.

"It's unfortunate, regrettable and totally unacceptable that a minister of his stature... is still insensitive to vulnerable groups such as MSM [men who have sex with men]," Hindustan Times newspaper quoted him as saying.

According to one estimate, more than 8% of homosexual men in India were infected with HIV, compared to a less than 1% infection rate in the general population.

The 2009 court ruling overturned a 148-year-old colonial law which described a same-sex relationship as an "unnatural offence".

Clearly Malta is not the only country with incompetent ministers.
The only thing "diseased" is this man's mind! If he is dumb enough to think that there were no gays in India before and that it is now "coming to our country" he has the intelligence of a 5 year old. Even the famous statues on temples from thousands of years ago depict gay sex as well as straight. But that's not the issue. How does one become a Minister of Health when one is so badly informed? If gay sex is so "unnatural", tell that to the 76 species already known to have gay sex, even when there are available females around. Among these species are elephants, porpoises and deer. And Man. That homosexual sex is so prevalent in nature is a pretty good indication that it is as "natural" as any other sex. Yes, straight sex is for babies, but we ALL know that sex is not ONLY for propagation of the species. I will never understand why anyone should care one way or another what another person is attracted to. Haven't we all got enough to deal with in our own lives, without trying to control other people's lives too?