'Malta ready to help in Libya's new beginning' - PM Gonzi

Malta ‘ready’ to participate in Libya’s ‘new beginning’ as Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi meets Transitional Council leader Moustafa Jalil in Paris conference.

Addressing the Paris conference for ‘Friends of Libya’ Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi stressed that that Malta “supported the NTC’s priorities for a new Libya, based on the establishment of security and stability, the process of national reconciliation and the building of the democratic institutions.

The Prime Minister also reiterated Malta’s readiness to help Libya in its humanitarian priorities, and urged the international community to assist the Libyan people with their needs.

 French President Nicolas Sarkozy and British Prime Minister David Cameron who hosted the conference said that world leaders have pledged to support Libya's new leadership, but warned that the struggle to stabilise the North African nation is still not over.

David Cameron, said that NATO will continue operations for as long as needed to protect civilians in Libya, even after the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi, the country's long-serving leader.

Nicolas Sarkozy, said that, "We are committed to returning to the Libyans the monies of yesterday for the building of tomorrow"

Mustafa Abdel Jalil, the chairman of NTC, said Libya's own people must now seek reconciliation among themselves after a summit in Paris with world leaders.

"We stood by you and so did the international community. Now everything is in your hands. It's up to you to accomplish what we promised: stability, peace and reconciliation," the NTC chief said.

Jaqblilna nibdew nahdmu l-ewwel biex nibnu lil Malta qabel ma nibdew nghinu nibnu l-Libja. Ghalkemm vera, nistghu nibbenefikaw minn dan ix-xoghol fil-libja bhal ma ilna nibbenefikaw dawn is-snin kollha. Imma ahjar flokk jippoza fir-ritratti is-sur prim taghna jara kif ser issolfilna il-problema li holqu l-gvernijiet tieghu, jigiefieri, il-problema tad-dejn massic u nkewttanti li ghandna fuq spallejna! Problema mohbija mill-ghajnej imma li qieghda terrina internament. Problema li ghandna xi ndumu nhossuha ghal snin kbar. U lil dawk li joghxew iharfu fuq il-passat, apparti li taghhom l-ebda fazi tal-politika passatta ma hi pura u nadifa, jien nghidilhom, ghamlu kuragg, ejjew lura fil-prezent u iffacjaw il-futur. Tibqghux, vera li hemm hafna xoghol xi jsirr imma teqtghux qalbkom. Aqtghu biss il-ktajjen li ghandkom jankrawkom mal-passat selettiv taghkom. Issa hbieb, verament fliemkien, jigifieri bill-partecipazzjoni ta' KULLHADD, kollox possibli.
daniel..you either haven't understood or you're outright dumb. The message is that the Maltese will participate in the reconstruction of the new Libya e.g. education (read work for Maltese teachers), health services (visits by Maltese medics and pararmedics to aid the Libyans set up their hospitals and clinics, expansion of facilities at Josie's St James), construction and ancillary works (there is enough works for maltese contractors for the next two decades, opportunities for Maltese tiile layers, painters, plasterers, aluminium works, woodworks, electrics and plumbing), opportunities for Maltese in the IT fields)) car mechanics et etc This is a uniique opportunity fro Malta to wipe out the 6 000 odd unemployed. Hope you get it.
Malta ready to help in new Libya beginning pm gonzi. With what? flowers in roundabouts? get a life pm and try and do something for your own people. Maybe you should have promised them a new spring, what a joker.
@ Guidoforte...(1). Le mhux veru, din gidba ta' Mintoff. Mintoff dahal l-ufficju fis 17 ta' gunju 1971. Il-problema tal-finanzi bdiet f'Jannar 1972, meta Mintoff ta l-ultimatum lis-servizzi ingliza bix jitilqu 'l barra. Kien jaf li minhajr il-flus mis-servizzi inglizi Malta jkollha problema kbira. Imma Mintoff kellu l-backing ta' Gaddafi li kien lest jibghad flus lil Malta kemm ildarba Mintoff jaghlaq il-bazi inglizi. (2) Kien wara l-ultimatum tal 15 Jannar 1972 li beda jinnegozja mal-inglizi. (3) Veru li gab izjed flus, imma mhux daqs kemm ried hu. (4) Veru, imma Gaddafi x'jindahal fil-politika ta' Malta? Ghalhekk kienu jghidu li Malta saret provincja Libjana. (5) Gaddafi ta l-flus lil Malta talli Mintoff kecca n-Nato. (6) Mintoff tbiddel wara 1971, l-ewwel ried integration mal- ingilterra, imbaghad meta ma rnexxilux, ried l- independenza, imbaghad sar anti-west. Mintoffr dejjem qala' l-inkwiet u Malta hadet ir-ruh u kisbet il-paci meta helset minnu f-1987. (7) Le, l-Gharbi gie mpost fuq Malta (fuq Mintoff) mill -jemeharija Libjana meta Gaddafi stieden il-Mintoff biex imur jitkellem maghhom (8) Il-PN bdiet il-krucjata wara 1981 meta Mintoff seraq l-elezzjoni bil-gerrymandering. Il-gvern ta' Mintoff ma kienx legittimu bejn 1981 u 1987. (9) Il-Pl qed ifixkel lilu nnifsu u jitfixkel fih innifsu u qed juru bic-car li l-anqas ghall-opposizjoni mhu tajjeb ahseb wara biex ikun fil-gvern Joseph ghadu zghar, immatur, u peres li mhux assertiv u l-anqas moghni b'xi intelligenza specjali, il-partit mhux qed jitmexxa minnu. De facto huma l-ghaxra minn nies li ghandhom doppju ta snin ta' Joseph i jigu missierijietu li qed igebdu l-ispag. U dawn kollha kienu ministru tal-kabinett ta' Mintoff. Billi tbiddel l-arma, u l-isem (partit isir moviment) u thalli l-brimb (li Alfred Sant kien nehha) ma tkun ghamilt xejn hlif ghattejt ix-xquq b-laqgha zeba. (10) tal-habbaziez hija cajta (11) Gonzi bhal Berlusconi, Sarkozy, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown bhala kap ta' stat bilfors kellu jzomm relazzjonijiet tajbin biex in-negozju mal-Libja ma jisfax fix-xejn. Peress li Libja kienet Gaddafi u Gaddafi kien il-Libja bil-fors kelllu jinnegozja ma' gaddafi. ma ninsewx li Gaddafi skizofreniku u paranojaku a ghandu deluzjonijiet. Allura bil-fors li l-kapijiet tal-istat kellhom imorru to humour him. Li kien out of place kient il-vista ta' joseph ma' AST lil Gaddafi malli sar leader. Barra li kienet l-ewwel wahda tieghu iktar qatghet ikrah u wriet li Labour ma tbiddilx. Wisq probabli ma kenitx l-idea tieghu imma ta' min ghandu l-business fil-Libja. Joseph mhux kap ta' stat, u allura ma kenitx vista ufficjali imma a social call bejn il-hbieb.
Nixtieq nara jekk naqblux fuq dawn, ghax kullhadd jghejd tieghu u storja li grat veru qeghed tispicca hrafa. Veru li meta tela fil gvern il M.L.P. fis 71, sab finanzi hziena hafna ? Veru li Mintoff innegazzja mal l-Inglizi sabiex jibqaw ghawn ghal 5 snin ohra ? Veru li Mintoff ried u gab aktar flus ghal kera tal bazi mil l-Ingilterra ? Veru li Gaddafi kien qeghed jiddejjaq mill bazi tan NATO ghawn Malta ? Veru li Gaddafi ghen finanzjarjament lil poplu Malti ? Veru li Mintoff biex juri li vera irid il paci, nehha l- bazi tan NATO min Malta ? Veru li Mintoff Ghax kien ser jinfethu negozzji kbar mal Libya...rid li nitghallmu il lingwa Gharbija ? Veru li il P.N. dejjem oggezzjonaw u fixklu kemm felhu ? Veru li illum il P.L. qeghed ihalli lil gvern jahdem, minghajr ma ifixxklu ? Veru li il P.N. kien jghajjar lil Libjani. Tal habbaziez,u tal Lakumja ? Veru li il P.M sa Frar li ghadda kien ghadu jistieden lil Gaddafi sabiex izurna ? Mela jekk dan kollu huwa VERU x`inhi il problema ?
Veru ma maqdrux in so many words but don't forget you are reading an article by a trained top diplomat. So one has to be of a certain calibre to understand the finesse, subtleties etc. I don't know what your profession is or was but unless you were a top administrator or a manager in a top firm I am afraid you will not be able to absorb the message fully. But the fact that Mintoff was under Gaddafi's thumb is undeniable. The poor man tried to get out of this situation several times, any body would have done the same, especially a man like Mintoff. Obviously he did not like the situation and tried to wriggle out of Gaddafi's clutches but there were limits to what he could do. He who pays the piper plays the tune. Mintoff knew very well that Malta could not subsist without foreign aid. He knew very well that in the fifties he was always knocking on British doors and trying to convince his erstwhile colleagues at Oxford to try to help him to get more lolly. Mintoff had already approached Gaddafi before the 1971 elections. No doubt Gaddafi had already made his point that any form of assistance from Libya would be conditional on Malta kicking Nato out as well as ridding itself from the British base. They were too close to Gaddafi for comfort. And it was only when Mintoff did his part of the bargain that Gaddafi advanced funds to Malta. Obviously Gaddafi would not have dished out the lolly. He wasn't pleased when the British Services Pact was extended to 1979. That's why Gaddafi changed tack and started sending his PM - Jalloud, who has recently defected - to deal with Mintoff. When the British srvices departed from Malta on 31 March 1979, Gaddafi came over to Malta with several hundred supporters and occupied pride of place during festivities organised by Mintoff. One would be forgiven for asking whather it was the Gaddafi or the Maltese who were the more please by the move.
Micheal Bonanno
@Briffy. X'ghamel u m'ghamelx Mintoff ma Gaddafi, illum hu rrelevanti. Mela la qrajt ta' Evarist Saliba, taf zgur x'qal fuq Mintoff. Ma maqdrux. Anzi qal li Mintoff hadem diplomatikament ma Gaddafi biex ha li ried minghandu. Kieku nini nini kien ikollna s-social welfare li kellna. Qieghed nghid kellna, ghax il-Partit tieghek qered kollox.
@ Thorny...you seem to be living in cuckooland. You don't know anything and believe solely the propaganda of your party. If you want to fill yourself in and then share with others of your own ilk I would suggest that you ditch super one for good and start googling. Just google Mintoff-gaddafi and take it from there. Hopefully you will start coming out of your chrysalis. IYou will also find the articles in the Times written by Evarist Saliba today and yesterday. ES was a top diplomat fro many years and can teach you a wod or two.Good luck.
Zack Depasquale
@Guidocforte Naqbel siehbi kulhadd irid idahhal subghajh ha jara x'sejjer jiehu. Jien nispera li sejjer zball imma nahseb il-Libja fadalla hafna biex tigi f'postha ghaliex issa iridu naraw min sejjer jiehu il-poter jekk hux sejjer ikun Gaddafi iehor bid-differenza li din id-darba jkollu l-appog tal-pajjizi tal-punent umbghad wara li mmoru nanqugh u nbussugh nindunaw li kien dittatur iehor. Onestament nixtieq li jien zbaljat.
Matrix...Jien hafna QARNIT HAJ ta tmint iswaba qeghed nara..........
Zack Depasquale
A Better name for this group should be Libya's Vultures, Or Libya's Vampires
Qeghed nara dan ir ritratt ,u li qal il Prim Ministru taghna qabizli id dmugh. Diga qeghed nara iz zejt tiela u ihammeg l-art Maltija. Diga qeghed nara " Oil Rigs " madwar Malta kollha jimpikaw min ser itella zejt l-aktar. ZOMM ..ghax kont qeghed nohlom....J`Alla li din il holma issir realta. Pero ghandi id dubji tieghi kemm. Ghawn xi hadd jahseb li meta Gaddafi kien izomm lil xi pajjiz iehor ( inkluz Malta ) milli jidhollu fit territorju tieghu,biex ihaffer ghaz zejt, il Libjani kienu jehduha kontrih ( Gaddafi )? Ir relazzjoni tajba mal Libja kienet, ghada u ser tkompli tikber, ma kienx hemm ghalfejn inehhu lil Gaddafi ghalina. Sa Frar li ghadda ( mhux xi 20 sena ilu ) il P.M. taghna kien qeghed jistieden ufficjalment lil Kurunell sabiex jigi izurna. Il problema ta Gaddafi kienet mal poplu tieghu.
Luke Camilleri
@briffy Bosom Friends? Don't see many photos of Labour Leaders hugging and a kissing Gaddafi... and bestowing him honors and so recently! Your must admit it briffy it is hard to face it, even for your good self the plain truth that even Gonzi and Fenech Adami enjoyed close encounters with, who you say was Labour's Bosom Friends...the only difference is that Hypocrisy is still the order of the day for Gonzi & Ed….. especially EFA who went of to give Ghaddafi support when Mintoff stood up to his “Bosom Friend” as for MINTOFF, National interest always came first and not the Nationalist Party & it’s coterie! MALTA ghal PARTIT LABURISTA dejjem EWWEL U QABEL KOLLOX! Can you say the same for the P.N.?
nice photo --- is this what the Libyans are asking for to see
Again sour grapes for Labour sympathisers They can't come to terms with the ousting of their bosom friend. They can see the repercussions on their party. Labour did not shower praises and adulation for years and years on Gaddafi because he helped Malta financially as a reward for kicking Nato out in 1971. If that were the case why did Labour proceed to honour all the unsavoury characters on this planet including Kim-il-Sung, Ceaucescu and Elena, why did they court Hoxa, why the chumminess with Mugabe? What makes Labour love all these despicable characters that are rejected by the democratic world? Is there something intrinsically wrong in their DNA? Is this the reason why they are doomed to the opposition?
Malta should learn the lessons of the past and not fall head over heels in line with what is transpiring in Libya on a daily basis. I think Malta dealt with the issue pragmatically and in the interest of Malta. Having said that however, it strikes me as funny, albeit understandable, that Malta never gets a mention about her efforts in any other world press.
mmmmm,interesting,malta ready to help? i think the pm is more interested in dealing with libya reguarding oil,i mean that s his last straw! but if i m not mistaken the one before him said that there is no oil, and the crowd started cheering,remember? well we ll have to wait and see...................lil min tafu,tistaqsix ghalih.....
I have a strange feeling that we will have alot of surprises from these so called 'friends'! I hope that I would be proved wrong!