AD ‘deplores’ Russia condemnation of EU sanctions on Syria

Russia should learn to act multilaterally in favour of the oppressed, Alternattiva Demokratika said.

AD’s spokesman for the EU and international affairs Arnold Cassola criticised Russia’s behaviour in the unfolding events of the Arab uprisings, describing it as “really dubious”.

“First Russia was very reluctant to side with the Libyan opposition in its struggle against oppression, and only did so once the dictator Gaddafi fled from Tripoli,” Cassola said. “Now Russia is stating that it is against the European Union imposed ban on the products of three Syrian oil companies which act as financial pillars of President Bashar Assad’s regime".

Cassola said it is high time that “Russia forgot its limited national financial and political interests and joins the democratic world in a multilateral effort to help peoples and populations free themselves from their autocratic tyrants.”

Cassola also called on the Maltese government should to push forward this message clearly in all EU and UN fora.

AD Chairperson Michael Briguglio, said the Arab Spring does not stop with Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. “In countries like Syria, Bahrain and Yemen, AD is supporting the democratic forces of opposition in their quest for more democratic societies free from brutal regimes,” he said adding that the Green Party’s support extends to all countries characterised by brutal dictatorships. “AD believes that the EU in general and Malta in particular should had an ethical foreign policy that matches economic relations with human rights, social justice and environmental sustainability.”

Alex Grech
i've just watched on RT, that Putin is taking this AD statement so seriously that he just cancelled his holiday!