Gaddafi phones TV station, vows to defeat opposition and NATO

Col Muammar Gaddafi has phoned the Syrian Arrai TV channel, vowing to defeat opposition forces and NATO.

Sky News has reported Gaddafi made a live phone call to the Syrian Arrai TV channel, saying that he was not giving up and that “resistance against the rats” would be escalated.

“The youths are now ready to escalate the resistance against the 'rats' in Tripoli and to finish off the mercenaries,” Gaddafi said.

“We will defeat Nato... and Nato is rejected by the Libyan people.”

The threat came as rebel forces claimed they had surrounded Gaddafi. However, the whereabouts of the dictator is unknown, but Sky News reports that the phone call was apparently made from Libya.

Referring to the Libyan military convoy reported by the French and Niger military sources, Gaddafi said: ‘Columns of convoys drive into and out of Niger carrying goods and people inside and outside (of Libya) say Gaddafi is going to Niger. This is not the first time that convoys drive in and out of Niger.”

Niger has also maintained that Gaddafi had never been part the convoy.