Israeli embassy in Cairo attacked, ambassador flees

Egypt put its police force on a state of alert after a night of violence during which angry protesters broke into the Israeli Embassy in Cairo, tearing down a cement barrier around the building and dumping documents out of the windows.

The rampage further worsened already deteriorating ties between Israel and post-Hosni Mubarak Egypt. The Israeli ambassador and his family had rushed to the airport and left the country.

The state MENA news agency says 448 people were injured in overnight clashes between thousands of protesters and police, who fired tear gas to disperse the crowd. Forty-six policemen were also hurt and 17 protesters were arrested.

Egypt's state TV says the interior ministry on Saturday ordered all officers back on duty and canceled vacations.

Mubarak screwed up on two fronts, that is: . a) He denied his people any semblance of democracy and was only able to rule for so many years thanks only to his secret police, spies and of course US backing (both financially and by way of intelligence support); . b) He failed to take into account his people’s support for the Palestinians and their patriotism. . The Egyptians were never in favour of Mubarak’s support to Israel and the US in their siege of Gaza, where collective punishment has been refined to fine art. . Israel’s arrogance knows no bounds – how can a sovereign country send its military forces into another sovereign country, allow them to kill 5 policemen, and then just walk away. Can anyone imagine the repercussions if, for example, the Egyptian army was to go into Israeli territory and act in the same way? . The Egyptian people are finally showing the world that they still have their dignity and that they will not allow their country to support the destruction of the Palestinian people. . Some people talk about democracy and “Arabs”, but it is obvious that their idea of democracy is that projected by Hollywood where the US Marines are always depicted as being the heroes, saving the world from the nasty Arab terrorists, thus always cultivating the stereotyping of the Arabs as terrorists. . One should not forget that just this week, documents have been found in the office of Gaddafi’s intelligence chief, confirming the role that the British and the US (through MI6 and CIA) were collaborating with Gaddafi in capturing Libyan dissidents abroad and delivering them to Libya. . Does anyone think these people were taken to Libya for a surprise party? No, they were taken to be tortured and killed.
And the protesting in Eygpt were hailed as a step towards democracy. The western world fails to understand the arab mentality and if they believe that Libya is going to be any different then they are in for a shock. Mind you , that Mubarak was dethroned was a good step but unfortunately things hardly change in Arabic countries, or if they do, they do at a very slow pace. Good luck to all and one hopes that democracy would really happen in these countries.