Libyan interim leader Abdul Jalil steps into Tripoli

The head of Libya's interim government, Mustafa Abdul Jalil flies to Tripoli for the first time since city taken by rebel forces.

Abdul Jalil was greeted by hundreds of cheering, flag-waving supporters, as he stepped into the city, formely recognised as Col. Muammar Gaddafi’s stronghold over the country.

For several days, it was the focus of heavy fighting, which has now calmed down to sporadic incidents as rebels pushed all loyalist forces out of the city, with only a handful of pockets of resistance left.

Until now Jalil had remained in the eastern city of Benghazi. His presence in the capital is aimed at sending a message about his authority.

To the south, NATO aircraft has been busy bombing Bani Walid, one of the last pro-Gaddafi strongholds, as rebels have been pushing to get into the city after a Saturday surrender deadline expired.

Separately, the IMF has recognised Mr Abdul Jalil's National Transitional Council (NTC) as the new government of Libya