After Malta, French bank ratings also downgraded by Moody's

Rating agency Moody's has downgraded two French banks whose share prices have dived following fears of their exposure to the Euro zone debt crisis and Greek debt.

Credit Agricole was cut from AA1 to AA2 and Societe Generale (SocGen) from AA2 to AA3, due to their exposure to Greek debt, while a third bank, BNP Paribas, was kept on review for a possible downgrade.

The two downgraded banks have seen their share prices fall by as much as 60% and 65%.

Only last week, Moody’s downgraded Malta’s foreign-currency and local-currency government bond ratings to A2 from A1 and revised the outlook to negative.

One of the key reasons cited for the decision was lower medium-term economic growth rates. This was caused by a decline in potential output growth as a result of the 2008-09 financial crisis, which left the economy vulnerable to further economic shocks.

The ratings company lowered the two bond ratings to A2 from A1, leaving the ratings six notches below the coveted AAA rating.

The downgrade is likely to put further pressure on the banks, as many investors limit their exposure to them based on their credit ratings.

Moody's focused on the banks' exposure to the Greek economy, although the recent market sell-off reflects a broader concern over the health of other southern European countries such as Italy, as well as over the political will to sustain the euro.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy are due to hold talks on Wednesday in response to growing market expectations of an imminent default by Greece.

SocGen has a total exposure to Greek government and commercial debts equal to €6.6 billion, while Credit Agricole has €27 billion, according to their disclosures to the European Banking Authority.

For BNP Paribas the total is €8.5 billion.

Moody's said BNP's rating could also be cut one notch, although it noted that the bank's capital and accumulated profits should be enough to absorb losses from Greece, as well as from the troubled Portuguese and Irish economies.

@salgister Il-problema li m/pl ma ghandux policy wahda allura kif tista tikkumenta fuqhom. Fuq li jsiru attaki personali nahseb li hawn il-pl bl-unuri johrog ghax ma xbajtux is-semmu personaggi nsara sabiex tiridikkolhom ghax huma nsara.. Kif dejjem nghid il-veriita hi li nies bhalek huma l-aqwa garanzija ghal-pn ghax hlief tghajjir ma tafux, ma tarax anke meta ma semejjetx lil ghaziz lejder taghkom ghidt li jien Buffu imbghada gej tghid li ahna nattakaw lil lejder personali w dan anqas taf min jien, forsi jien xi hadd tal-familja tieghek stess
Micheal Bonanno
Jekk qieghed tipprova ddahhakna m'intix. Ahna meta nikkritikaw lil GonziPN meta jkun qieghed jaffettwa lill-pajjizna. Hemm nikkritikawh. U mhux personalment bhalma taghmlu intom lil JOseph Muscat. Ahna nikkritikaw il-policies. Ghidli int l-ewwel wiehed fejn ikkritikajt il-policies tal-PL? Dejjem taqghu fil-personali. Iva, issa bic-certifikat li qeghdin fix-xifer ta' l-irdum, u dan jafuh shabek stess, u skont kif qieghed jitkellem il-PM (qal li d-dejn irridu nnaqsuh sa 2020) qieghed juri li jaf bil-problema, u li kbira hafna. Anke maqdartu lill-Profs. Edward Scicluna ghax ikkritika kostruttivament lill-Gvern ukoll hrigtu kontrieh, meta dan u maghruf bhala ekonomista mill-aqwa, kemm f'Malta u kemm fl-Ewropa. U dan ghax qal li vera qeghdin f'dizastru u spjega ghala Moody's tawna downgrading. Imma dan intom ma triidux tisimghuh. Hsiebkom biss biex tbellghulna l-"feel good factor" li ma jezistix. Qeghdin tipprova taghmlulna brainwashing biex nemmnukom. Imma issa troppo tardi.
@ salgister. Imma s-soltu mhux kolloz f'gonzi twahhlu qed tara l-analizzi tal-espert joe. Issa jmiss jmur jghid li ghandu soluzzjoni anke ghal Franza imma wara li jilhaq preisdent ta' Franza.
Kulħadd fl-istess ilma qiegħed bl-UE bl-Ewro. Kulħadd fallut.
Micheal Bonanno
@Mike: Buffu.
It-tort ta' gonzipn wkoll.