Severe cutbacks to get worse in Portugal

Thousands protest in the streets of Lisbon and Porto in Potugal condemning decreased living standards as a result of strict government measures.

According to unions, a week of general strikes later in the month was voted for by workers predicted to suffer the most as a result of governmental cuts which are set to worsen according to warnings by Portugal’s new right of centre government.

The cutbacks, negotiated as part of a bailout agreement of €78 billion, have pushed the government to warn Portugal that the economy could decrease by more than the expected 2.5% of gross domestic product (GDP) value next year.

“I’m here to fight for the rights of pensioners, who have no money to buy medicine or for the co-payment fee for the doctor,” said one retired protester.

According to protesters within the teaching profession claim working conditions are worsening due to spending cuts as “there are fewer teachers being hired and more children to care for.”

Officials are being urged by unions to keep to agreements made to increase the minimum wage from €475 to €500 a month.

Malta has no future and place in the EU! This EU is no place for normal persons. It is all about total control. Putting regulations that control everything even what persons do and what medicine they take, what education they are given,etc. The Euro is doomed to fail and the whole Eurozone is on the verge of collapsing. One just needs to read about the eurozone collapse on the internet. Many EU countries are in deep trouble and we will have to pay for their debts and problems. In a few years Malta will be facing similar problems if not worse!
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