Egyptians vote in final phase of parliamentary polls

Egyptians were voting on Tuesday in the final round of a landmark post-revolution election that has propelled Islamist movements into the centre stage of politics, AFP reported.

Small queues have formed outside polling stations in nine of Egypt's 27 polling stations in the third phase of the landmark parliamentary polls
Small queues have formed outside polling stations in nine of Egypt's 27 polling stations in the third phase of the landmark parliamentary polls

Around 15 million eligible voters have their chance to cast ballots for the first parliament since an uprising overthrew veteran president Hosni Mubarak last February.

Small queues began to form outside polling stations which opened at 8:00 am in nine of the country's 27 provinces, with voting taking place over two days.

Voters had to pass through metal detectors before entering polling stations in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, tourist mecca and site of Mubarak's second residence.

The first two rounds of voting saw Egypt's main Islamist parties claim a crushing victory, mirroring a pattern in the region since the Arab Spring uprisings overthrew authoritarian secular regimes.

The powerful Muslim Brotherhood, the country's best organised political movement which was widely expected to triumph in the polls, has claimed the lead through its political arm, the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP).

But the surge of Al-Nur, which represents the ultra-conservative Salafi brand of Islam, has raised fears among increasingly marginalised liberals about civil liberties and religious freedom.

The Islamists' victory has also raised concerns about the future of the country's lucrative tourism industry.

The Islamists' liberal rivals - including the country's oldest party Al-Wafd and liberal coalition the Egyptian Bloc - have fared badly in the first two rounds of voting.

The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), which took power when Mubarak was ousted, has repeatedly pointed to the elections as proof of its intention to hand the reins over to a civilian government.

But the vote has exposed a deepening rift among Egyptians. Some see them as the first step to democratic rule, while others say the new parliament - whose function remains unclear - leaves control in the hands of the military.

The SCAF has faced growing outrage over the actions of security forces against demonstrators for an immediate transition to civilian rule, which have resulted in dozens of deaths and been widely criticised as heavy-handed.

The SCAF has also come under fire after raids on 17 offices of non-governmental organisations, three of them US-funded, that prompted hints from Washington that it may review its huge aid programme.

The ruling military has decided on a complex election system in which voters cast ballots for party lists, that will comprise two-thirds of parliament, and also for individual candidates for the remaining third of the lower house.

The procedure to elect a full assembly ends in February, after Egypt's military ruler decreed on Sunday that the multi-phase elections for parliament's consultative upper house, the Shura Council, will be held over a shorter period.

With the final elections wrapping up earlier, the two houses will now be able to move more swiftly towards writing a new constitution.

The election for a new president is to take place by June.