Iran’s nuclear programme could start Cold War – Hague

UK foreign secretary warns that if safety mechanisms are not set up, Iran’s nuclear programme could start a “new Cold War in the Middle East.

UK Foreign Secretary William Hague
UK Foreign Secretary William Hague

UK foreign secretary William Hague warned that Iran’s nuclear programme could initiate a “new Cold War” in the Middle East.

Hague said that Iran could encourage other nations across the Middle East to build nuclear weapons should that be their plan.

Western allies believe Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons and without safety mechanisms of the US-USSR rivalry, disaster in world affairs could take place.

Tehran continues to insist that their programme is solely for energy purposes but in an interview, Hague continued to predict a crisis.

Should Iran continue to develop nuclear weaponry, Hague believes the “most serious round of nuclear proliferation since nuclear weapons were invented” would begin as a result of the current instability in the Middle East.