Abduction of two Italians in eastern India

Two Italians are abducted in eastern India by Maoist insurgents but demands for their release remain unclear as authorities are still to begin negotiation talks.

Bosusco Paolo and Claudio Colangelo have been kidnapped by Maoist insurgents in eastern India
Bosusco Paolo and Claudio Colangelo have been kidnapped by Maoist insurgents in eastern India

Local authorities in eastern India said that two Italians were kidnapped in what is thought to be the first abduction of Westerners by Maoist insurgents in the region.

Left-wing rebels have been holding Italian nationals Bosusco Paolo and Claudio Colangelo hostage in the eastern state of Orissa since Wednesday.

According to the top administrator of the state’s Kandhamal district, Rajesh Prabhakar Patil, the government was willing to negotiate with the insurgents to secure the release of the two Italians.

Patil said that the kidnappings came to light on Sunday and the authorities are in the process of appointing a mediator for talks between the Maoist insurgents and government.

Unconfirmed reports from local journalists suggested that the insurgents wanted government troops to withdraw from the region while dropping charges against fellow rebels.

Patil said the kidnappers’ demands in return for the release of the Italian tourists remained unclear but would be confirmed once talks begin as part of Anti-Maoist operations which are to resume after being suspended in the troubled Kandhamal area.


OK, shoot me for making light of a serious situation - but isn't this the same guy, before and after a visit to the hairdresser?