BP chief Hayward says he is sorry

BP chief testifies over his company's role in Gulf oil crisis

BP chief executive Tony Hayward was sworn in before testifying on Thursday.

Mr  Hayward has faced withering criticism for his company’s response to the spill, and for the first time he was forced to publicly defend his comments and his company’s actions under mainly harsh questioning from members of a subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

After several critical opening statements by subcommittee members, followed by the removal of a shouting protestor, Mr. Hayward read aloud his prepared remarks of contrition. Then, after a short recess, he began responding to members in a soft, deliberate manner, often by sidestepping questions about specific details of BP’s actions in drilling the well and in the fatal explosion and fire on the drilling rig on 20 April  that left the well spewing oil into the gulf.