Greeks chaos turning to panic as €700m ‘withdrawn’ from banks in one day

Some €700 million have been withdrawn from Greek banks on Monday, President Carolos Papoulias said, warning that the situation would worsen in coming days.

Long queues of people outside banks in Greece are increasing
Long queues of people outside banks in Greece are increasing

"During a telephone conversation with the Greek Central Bank Governor George Provopoulos, he informed me that the banks' situation was very difficult . . . and that the banking system was currently very weak," the Greek President said in a press statement issued from his palace.

"Withdrawals reached €700 million euros at 4:00 p.m on Monday," he noted, warning that the situation "would worsen in the next two days."

"Provopoulos said there was nothing to panic about, but that there were a lot of fears that could turn into panic," said Papoulias.

Greece's failure to form a government after a splinter vote at May 6 elections has stoked fears about the country's future in the eurozone.

The country is expected to hold fresh elections in June.

In February, former finance minister Evangelos Venizelos said Greeks deposited €16 billion euros overseas, including "32% in British banks and 10 per cent in Swiss banks."


Kellha ragun l ATM ma ittihx flus lill gonzi ma dahhalna l euro,Kienet taf x gej, LOL
The Maltese people can now see who was right and who was wrong when HE Dr E Fenech Adami and Co insisted that we shouldn't miss THE TRAIN, and the Heaven on Earth we were promised. Thanks Dr E Fenech Adami and Company for taking us in this EU Elite club together with Dr GonziPN and company for taking us in the Eurozone. Well Done PN.
There is one group that are and will always be winners."POLITICIAN". Because they get away with fiddling the books. Take a look at the last 15 years accounts of EU OK. You cant because no accountancy firm will sign them off. Because of massive fraud. The sat of fraud that ordinary people caught committing go to prison for.
Where does this scenario leave GO & Lombard? Of course, it is superfluous to put the same question regarding Malta's loans to Greece. So, with hindsight, this is the EU after all. Cannot we sue our leaders and the EU leaders for fraudulent information and gross negligence when they asked us to join this economic powerhouse on the strength of the EU's overall economic powers? Who was checking the accuracy of national accounts? How did the slogan run? € 100,000,000, incoming annually they promised, and all we had to do is bask in the sun.