‘Maltese’ ship implicated in Russian arms cargo for Syria

Cargo ship owned by Russian subsidiary based in Malta identified to have transported arms to Syria’s Bashar Assad over the weekend.

The Professor Katsman in port (Photo: Creative Commons).
The Professor Katsman in port (Photo: Creative Commons).

A Russian cargo ship loaded with weapons en route to Syria is believed to be owned by a Maltese firm, according to a report by Al Arabiya.

Reuters also reported that the vessel - the Professor Katsman - is owned by a Maltese firm, which is in turn owned by a Cypriot company that is owned by Russian firm.

A ship register search of the ownership of the Professor Katsman lists the company Ruish 12 Ltd as the ship's owner in Malta. The company is one of hundreds of shipping companies which choose Malta as their company jurisdiction.

Al Arabiya said the ship was due to arrive at a Syrian port over the weekend.

The United States and European Union have suggested that the UN Security Council should impose an arms embargo and other UN sanctions on Syria for its 14-month assault on a pro-democracy opposition determined to oust Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Russia, with the support of fellow veto power from China, has prevented the UN Security Council from imposing any sanctions on Syria and has refused to halt arms sales to Damascus.

Al Arabiya said the Russian cargo ship will unload its cargo in Tartus after leaving on 6 May.

Russia has defended its weapons deliveries to Syria in the face of Western criticism, saying government forces need to defend themselves against rebels receiving arms from abroad.

Damascus says Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Libya are among the countries helping the rebels.

Diplomats who spoke to Reuters said the Russian firm might have been acting on behalf of state arms exporter Rosoboronexport, though that was not clear.

"I don't have any information on this ship, but our policy is not to comment on individual shipments regarding contents or timing," a spokesman for Rosoboronexport, Vyacheslav Davidenko, said in Moscow.

What would you expect from such a large ships' register operated by such a small country! A virgin ship! This register has made some people including some well connected lawyers and accountants rich, but the gain to the general Maltese economy has been slight. Financial services/iGaming share the spoils a little bit better. Not much but better.
Onorevoli Dr. Tonio Borg, Il ftehem li Malta taht gvern Laburista ghamlet mal Korea ta fuq 40 SENA ILU inkwetetek ? Din ma tinkwetakx ? Vapur li qeghed jinghad li huwa ta kumpanija Maltija,ovvja, itella il bandiera Maltija, u irregistrat Malta huwa ir responsabbilta tal Gvern Malti li jara li il vapur ma jintuzax f`missjonijiet ta gwerrer. Dejjem skond il Kostituzzjoni ta Malta li inthom ghamiltu lastiku.