Obama discusses Syria, Euro crisis with Merkel, Hollande and Monti

US President Barack Obama last night discussed the euro crisis and the need for an end to violence in Syria in a video conference with leaders of France, Germany and Italy.

US President Barack Obama
US President Barack Obama

The White House said the consultations with French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti represented a follow up to the G8 summit Obama hosted earlier this month.

"Leaders agreed to continue to consult closely as they prepare to meet at the G-20 Summit in Mexico next month," a White House statement said, without divulging details of the discussions on Europe's financial woes.

"Leaders also discussed recent developments in Syria and their shared perspectives on the importance of ending the violence of the government against its own people and the urgency of achieving a political transition."

At the G8 summit 10 days ago, hosted by Obama at his presidential retreat at Camp David, leaders agreed that debt-stricken Greece should stay in the eurozone and called for new growth policies to match the austerity straitjacket in Europe.

The summit also agreed on the need for a "political transition" in Syria and for the end to violence that has claimed an estimated 13,000 lives.