Militias seized Central Bank governor’s car in Tripoli as part of payback

Zintan militiamen seized government cars in Tripoli – Josef Bonnici unintended victim.

Central Bank governor Josef Bonnici's car was seized by Zintan militiamen, who are seeking government payback on protection services at the borders.
Central Bank governor Josef Bonnici's car was seized by Zintan militiamen, who are seeking government payback on protection services at the borders.

The car in which Central Bank governor Josef Bonnici was being escorted in was seized by members of the Zintan militias, in Tripoli on Sunday, the Libya Herald has confirmed.

A group from one of the Zintan militias, Brigade 14, which was assigned to protect the Algerian-Libyan borders, seized a number government vehicles in Tripoli on Monday.

These included cars belonging to the protocol department as well as police vehicles.

The Zintanis say they have done so because of the government's failure to settle their financial entitlements.

Bonnici was one unintended victim of the seizures on Sunday afternoon, after arriving on a flight from Malta for meetings with officials from the Central Bank of Libya.

Met at the airport by Maltese Ambassador Victor Camilleri, he set off to his hotel in a vehicle from protocol accompanied by another in tow. At a checkpoint on the airport road set up by the brigade, the drivers of the two cars were stopped and ordered to pull over to the side. It is thought that the brigadesmen there were specifically waiting for the two protocol cars.

"There then followed a discussion among brigade members, presumably about whether or not they should take the cars. In they end they decided to do so. The bank governor was politely but unceremoniously told to get into the ambassador's car which formed part of the convoy. He was then allowed to continue his journey to the hotel," the Libya Herald reported.

The seized vehicles were then taken away to add to the Zintanis' collection.

A Ministry of Interior source put the total number of cars held by the brigade at 33. He said that there are ongoing negotiations between brigade members, government officials and the army to facilitate the return of the vehicles.

They are now being held at the brigade's Tripoli quarters near the airport road.  It is reported that they were seized after the group left the Algerian-Libyan border zone and headed for Tripoli to demand the money.  They first went to the Ministry of Defence headquarters, then to the Prime Minister's Office. When they did not receive what they considered a satisfactory response to their demands, they decided to take the law into their own hands.

Kien facli ferm li jsolviha l-basla li dahal fiha l-profs josef bonnici ----- kulma ried jaghmel kien li jghidilhom li fl-imghoddi kien tkarrab u tbekka mal-perit mintoff biex ikun konsulent ekonomiku tieghu ... tafu intom, mal-perit li kien tant habib ta' gaddafi dak iz-zmien !!!!!!
Mark Fenech
Tieħdux għalikom imma jiena kont ipprevedejt x'sejjer jiġri fil-Libya, għax mill-esperjenza li għandi tagħhom, naf li huma nies ta' 'one way traffic'. Juzawk meta jkollom bzonnok il-bqija, huma huma huma biss jeziztu, u dan mhux Gaddafi kien hekk, imma kollha kemm huma. Anke biz-zejt kollu li għandhom, xorta ma għandhomx valuri, la Kristjani u l-anqas Musulmani, dawk arawhom meta jkunu barra l-pajjiż ħalli tara kif jiksru r-regolamenti tal-Musulmani. Aħna Maltin sfortunati ħafna, għaliex in-naħa ta' isfel għandna l-Libjani u n-naħa ta' fuq għandna l-Isqallin bil-Mafja tagħhom kollha. Ta' fuq naqra aħjar sakemm taghmilha ma nies komuni, għax imbagħad ma ta' fuq ma tafx fejn qiegħed.
Ftit ilu kont il-belt u smajt li biex jghin lil libjani jsolvu din il-problema l-prim ministru franco debono fi hsiebu jibghat delegazzjoni high power maghmula mill-bicca deputat lawrence gonzi, l-ex ministru carmelo mifsud bonnici, lou bondi, l-editur tal-malta independent, ciarlo bonnici, blogger mara pulita hafna u l-isqof edwin vassallo tal-mosta. Il-prim ministru franco debono ghandu fiducja ghamja f'din id-delegazzjoni u jinsab cert li fi zmien sena, jigifieri vicin l-elezzjoni, ikunu irnexxielhom isolvu din il-problema.
Anzi lil gvernatur ma haduhx bhala ostagg. Ghax minbarra l-paga favolusa li ghandu kien ikollna nohorgu xi qabda euros biex nehilsuh. Bic-cajt profs. L-aqwa li kollox spicca b'wicc il-gid.
Mit- tagen ghal go nar !!!!!!