Muslim countries prepare for anti-Islam film protests

Muslim countries prepare for trouble on day of protests against ‘Innocence of Muslims’ and French caricatures.

Muslims protest against 'Innocence of Muslims', a video made in the US mocking Prophet Mohammed and insulting Islam
Muslims protest against 'Innocence of Muslims', a video made in the US mocking Prophet Mohammed and insulting Islam

Several Muslim countries are preparing their security forces in preparation for a day of fresh protests against the anti-Islam film made in the US which mocks Prophet Mohammed.

A ‘special day of love’ for the prophet has been declared by the government of Pakistan while adverts on Pakistani TV were paid for by Washington to show US President Barack Obama’s condemnation of the film.

‘Innocence of Muslims’ has stirred unrest worldwide claiming the lives of several people in various countries.

Anger was further stoked by caricatures of the prophet being published in a satirical French magazine pushing protesters to not only express anger towards the US but reaching out to other Western countries.

Police are preparing themselves for trouble in Pakistan despite calls from the government to people to demonstrate peacefully. Several mobile telephony services have also been cut off to reduce possible security risks.