No to cuts in cohesion funds, Malta proposes revision of EU’s agriculture spend

Malta in bloc of member states opposing cuts to EU cohesion funds, and proposing rationalisation of excessive agricultural spend.

Foreign minister Tonio Borg said single region member states like Malta had only benefitted from one full convergence programming period.
Foreign minister Tonio Borg said single region member states like Malta had only benefitted from one full convergence programming period.

Malta is reiterating its opposition to the introduction of explicit references to further cuts in EU cohesion funds, joining the member states of the Friends of Cohesion Group in saying cuts would be a step in the wrong direction.

Foreign minister Tonio Borg said Malta reiterated the importance of recognising the needs of single region member states, who have only benefitted from one full convergence programming period in the box when it comes to regional safety nets which the Commission has proposed.

Borg also made reference to the special needs of single region island member states, and called for a reform in the allocation of Common Agriculture Programme spending.

During the meeting, ministers continued ongoing discussions on the EU's 2014-2020 budget.

Ministers also reflected on lessons learnt from the 2012 European Semester monitoring exercise on the basis of a note from the Presidency. The European Semester involves the monitoring of economic, fiscal, employment and social policies during a six-month period every year.

The goal of the discussion was to discuss the implementation of the first European Semester which took place in 2011. Possible improvements will also be discussed at the next Economic and Financial Affairs (ECOFIN) Council meeting and Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs (EPSCO) Council meeting, both in October.


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