Updated | Dalli's position ‘politically untenable’ given doubts - Commission

John Dalli maintains there is no resignation yet - EC: 'No evidence of illegal behaviour from Dalli'

John Dalli has told EC president José Barroso that he wants a request for resignation in writing.
John Dalli has told EC president José Barroso that he wants a request for resignation in writing.

A spokesperson for the European Commission has told the press in Brussels that there was no formal requirement for European Commission president Jose Barroso to provide John Dalli with a written request for resignation, saying the EC had taken note of John Dalli's letter to Barroso but had no comment to make on his claims.

"He is expressing his point of view. All we can do is take note. There is no obligation to write a formal letter of resignation. This resignation took place after discussion between Commissioner Dalli and the president of the Commission. The president offerred him the opportunity of resigning after reading him the conclusions of the OLAF report. From a political point of view, it was untenable for the Commissioner to stay in his post with a sensitive portfolio dealing with sensitive matters... there were two witnesses at the point where the former commissioner resigned and was accepted by the President. And it had an immediate effect, with the Maltese authorities wanting to appoint a new commissioner. As far as we are concerned, the resignation matter of John Dalli is behind us, and it occurred last Tuesday."

John Dalli has not yet submitted a formal letter of resignation to the European Commission, because he is claiming that EC president Jose Manuel Barroso has not yet given him the formal reasons for his resignation under Article 17.6 of the Treaty of the European Union.

In a letter to Barroso sent Sunday 21 October, Dalli told the EC president that although he had acquiesced to Barroso's verbal request for him to resign, he had not yet provided him with an official request invoking his prerogatives to make him resign.

"Without such a request, there is no resignation," Dalli has told Barroso, citing the TEU's Article 17.6 which lays down that a member of the Commission shall resign if the President so requests.

Dalli is however saying that although he offered his resignation verbally when asked by Barroso, he did not sign a resignation letter which the Brussels political newspaper New Europe says was drafted for him by the Commission's legal services' director-general Luis Romero Requena and Barroso's chief of cabinet Johannes Laitenberger.

Dalli is insisting with Barroso that his official request is necessary, especially since his Commission spokesperson told the press the day after the resignation that it was Dalli who had offered his resignation.

"In our meeting of October 16, 2012 you explicitly demanded (verbally) for my resignation. Considering article 17.6 of the TEU... I replied (also verbally) that I would resign. I did not resign you my resignation in writing as requested by yourself as you did not send me, so far, an official request, invoking your prerogatives as provided by the Treaty.

"Such official request is deemed necessary after the official statement of your spokesperson (repeated several times) in the midday briefing of October 17, 2012, and widely reported in the international media claiming that, 'I offered my resignation' as well as in your press release of the day before.

"This is not correct as 'I did not offer my resignation' but 'you demanded for it'."

Dalli stepped down as commissioner on 16 October after he was read the covering letter from an investigation by the EU's anti-fraud office OLAF, claiming there was circumstantial evidence that he was aware of an attempt by a Sliema restaurateur, Silvio Zammit, to solicit a bribe from snus producers Swedish Match, ostensibly to reverse an EU-wide ban on snuff, which can only be sold in Sweden. Dalli has denied being aware of Zammit's advances to the company.

During today's midday briefing, the EC's spokesperson told the press that the Commission had "no evidence of illegal behaviour" by Dalli, who will now recieve a monthly transitional allowance for the next three years - until he retires, or finds a job. He will also be eligible for a pension from the European Commission. The transitional payment corresponds to 45% of his €240,000 salary, while his pension will be paid at the age of 65.

"We have to respect Mr Dalli's presumption of innocence, because we have no evidence of illegal behaviour. The Commission is considering Dalli innocent before proven guilty, because the matter is now in the hands of the Attorney General in Malta,"

In the resignation letter drafted by the Commission, Dalli would have stepped down "in the interest of defending [his] reputation and of averting any damage to the EU and the Commission" and to avail himself of the necessary time to contest the findings of the OLAF investigation, which would otherwise take away all the energy necessary for him to take care of the health and consumer policy portfolio.

Dalli is now insisting with Barroso that without an official request on his part, "there is no resignation."

Dalli says he was not allowed a 24 hour request for him to consult his lawyers before vacating the Commission's offices and was prevented from reading the OLAF report, which is now in the hands of the Maltese Attorney General. He also dubbed the OLAF findings "conjectures", and said that OLAF director Giovanni Kessler's statements during his press conference breached his presumption of innocence.

Fenea , there were many times when I did not agree with on various issues , but on this one , I couldn't agree with you more , because I too beleve that Mr Barroso was to hasty in his decision to dismiss Commissoner John Dalli .
jigri x'jigri u jghidu x'jghidu sfortunatament malta kienet, ghada, u tibqa pajjiz tat tieled dinja f'ghajnejn il barranin. kullhadd jigi izurna u jidlikna bix xema imma meta nigu ghas si u no hadd ma jikkalkulana. kont nistenna aktar rispett mill eu u specjalment min barroso. jekk dalli naqas u jinstab hati ghandu ihallas imma jien nahseb li hemm aktar min hati wiehed. IL QAWL MALTI JGHID IL HUTA MIN RASA TINTEN. u nahseb li barroso jekk jgholli idejh ghandu xi ix........
This whole issue stinks. If this is the way the EU manages it's business than it's pathetic. On the other hand, the speed with which the Maltese government suggested a new commissioner is suspicious. I think that we're in for a long charade at the end of which we will see how low certain local and EU politicians can stoop.
il votanti ta JOHN DALLI ghandom mohh jafu x ghandom jaghmlu
'The Insider' is a movie based on a true story, revealing what Big Tobacco companies are capable of. If you haven't watched it, you should. Apart from being a fantastic movie, it's also a shocker.
@ peppi X biex qed tistaghgeb habib... ghandna Ambaxxatur ghal IMKIEN !!
Zack Depasquale
Dr Gonzi yesterday said that this episode is now closed. I say it hasn’t even began. Something tells me that Dr Gonzi will end up with egg on his face when all the facts are known. As they say, 'on with the show'. @peppi-x why are you surprised, we have a roofless theatre, a city Gate without a gate, a bridge to nowhere and an ambassador with no embassy.
I hold no admiration for Dalli but I am convinced that he is a scapegoat for higher beings in the EU who might themselves have pocketed from this fiasco. The way he was allegedly dismissed by Baroso indicate that he was not to have a chance in hell to clear his name. I wouldnt be surprised that there was also a local hand in this falling from grace. Like sour grapes from those who were dismissed before him. And the fact that files were stolen shows the baseness to which all politicians stoop and bow in front of the curse money. My only sadness is not for Dalli but for Malta that has been tinted by this chapter. Its sad that this administration in this legislature has done nothing but ruin everything they worked for themselves as it is ample clear that panic frustration and arrogance have deep seated roots in everything they are doing. Time to go.
Confusion galore. Who would expect that the President of the mother of all administrations in Europe is proceeding in this messy manner? Commission President Barroso has shown his administrative limitations in this resignation issue. How could he appoint a new commissioner when the previous one has not yet submitted in his resignation in writing? And how could the resignation be submitted by Commissioner John Dalli if the reasons are not stated clearly? Even the report is being kept secret. Is this the way how we, as European citizens, expect the Commission to be ran? All this confusion reminds me of a cartoon in a Portuguese newspaper before a football match between Portugal and Malta in June 1993 which illustrated Maltese players playing with a square ball as if the Maltese do not even know whether the ball is round or square. This cartoon fits better to Barroso's knowledge of his public administration proceedings. I cannot believe he has a whole entourage of lawyers to support his office. Or perhaps he ignored them all and proceeded with Commissioner Dalli's sacking on his own accord? The European Parliament should take up this issue immediately to unravel all the confusion.
Confusion galore. Who would expect that the President of the mother of all administrations in Europe is proceeding in this messy manner? Commission President Barroso has shown his administrative limitations in this resignation issue. How could he appoint a new commissioner when the previous one has not yet submitted in his resignation in writing? And how could the resignation be submitted by Commissioner John Dalli if the reasons are not stated clearly? Even the report is being kept secret. Is this the way how we, as European citizens, expect the Commission to be ran? All this confusion reminds me of a cartoon in a Portuguese newspaper before a football match between Portugal and Malta in June 1993 which illustrated Maltese players playing with a square ball as if the Maltese do not even know whether the ball is round or square. This cartoon fits better to Barroso's knowledge of his public administration proceedings. I cannot believe he has a whole entourage of lawyers to support his office. Or perhaps he ignored them all and proceeded with Commissioner Dalli's sacking on his own accord? The European Parliament should take up this issue immediately to unravel all the confusion.
Massive compensation claim on the horizon.
Igor P. Shuvalov
Does this mean that we have nominate a person to fill a non-vacant post?
Skont l-olaf certa li flus ma thallsux. Fl-opinjoni tieghi din hija dikjarazzjoni fazulla ghax turi nuqqas kbir. Min jista’ jaccerta ruhu li l-kumpanija involuta ma ghaddietx flus bil-mohbi sabiex zammit jikkumunika lura li jrid 60 miljun bhala kumpens sabiex din tuza il-kitba lura tieghu sabiex tikteb lill-olaf li b’xi mod dalli jiccappas u jintefa f’dawl ikrah minhabba kanvaser tieghu? Mhux qed nghid li sar hekk ghax ma nafx imma ma nistax nahlef li ma sarx hekk. Olaf zbaljat meta halfet li ma sarx hekk. Ma narax serjeta’ fil-kaz kollu. Forsi 60 miljun hija ftit gholja biex tigi emnuta. Haga li ma kontx naqbel ma’ dalli huwa li waqt li kien qed jirrapprezenta lil maltin kollha kien jigi malta u jmur fuq super one u jattakka it-tmexxija tal-pn. bir0rispett zball mhux ikkalkulat. Minn dak kollu li hareg l-indikazzjonijiet huma li dalli ma thammigx. Anki kieku ghall-argument kien jaf l-indikazzjonijiet l-ohra jaghmluh innocenti u saret hadma ingusta kontrih. sa certu punt lanqas zammit ghax wiehed irid jara min talab jew offra l-flus l-ewwel.