Tonio Borg to take health and consumer policy commission
José Barroso meets with Tonio Borg, new Commissioner to face European Parliament for candidacy to proceed.
Tonio Borg.
European Commission president José Barroso today met with Tonio Borg, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malta, who has been named as the Commissioner-designate to fill the vacancy in the health and consumer protection portfolio for the remainder of the mandate of the college until 2014.
Barroso has confirmed to Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi his agreement for Borg's candidacy to proceed in view of the procedure set out in Article 246 (2) TFEU and point 6 of the Framework Agreement between the European Parliament and the European Commission.

Skond hbieb tieghi li joqoghdu f'hal lija, se jimmissjawh hafna n-nies ta' hemm -- issa mhux se jkollhom aktar ic-cans li jarawh jimxi wahdu tard fil-ghaxija fid-dlam biex ma jarah hadd ... probabbli jhewden u jhammem fuq kif franco debono kien qed jizzuffjetta b'gonzipn u bih ukoll wara kollox bhala n-number 2 ..... issa halliha li ilu zmien li qata' dik id-drawwa li kienet iddardar nofs in-nies ta' hal lija li kien jidhol ghall-quddiesa tal-hadd fil-parrocca dejjem hames/ghaxar minuti tard biex kulhadd jarah diehel b'dik iz-zaqq hoxna li kellu dak iz-zmien qabel ma naqqasha xi ftit ... forsi issa jibda jmur il-quddies fi brussell ma' barroso fil-hin, taf int .....

Luke Camilleri •
No handover from previous Commissioner?
They do belong to the same Political Party, with the same ideals....

Luke Camilleri •
No handover from previous Commissioner?
They do belong to the same Political Party, with the same ideals....

Luke Camilleri •
No handover from previous Commissioner?
They do belong to the same Political Party, with the same ideals....

Luke Camilleri •
No handover from previous Commissioner?
They do belong to the same Political Party, with the same ideals....

Luke Camilleri •
No handover from previous Commissioner?
They do belong to the same Political Party, with the same ideals....

Does this mean Tonio will not need to go before the selection or approval board? If yes then it only strenghten the suspicion that all this is a planned plot to get Dalli out of the way. The question remains, who stands to gain by all this?