Nine Irish MEPs demand tobacco law in time for Irish presidency

Irish MEP says she has serious concerns over sudden departure of John Dalli from EC.

Several Irish MEPs today called on European Commission President José Barroso not to delay any longer important new EU tobacco legislation and for it to be released in time for the Irish Presidency.

"Today on my initiative, several Irish MEPs have called on President Barroso to act with urgency," Irish Labour MEP Nessa Childers said. "This is a strong message from Irish MEPs who wish to see this anti-tobacco legislation introduced as soon as possible. The tobacco directive is a major priority for the Irish Presidency which starts in January."

"I myself have expressed serious concerns around the sudden departure of Health Commissioner John Dalli from his position. He was pushing for strong anti-tobacco legislation. This affair should not delay the legislation. It is far too important to allow the tobacco lobby from delaying it further."

Childers, a co-chair of the MEPs Against Cancer forum, said she had campaigned for this anti-tobacco legislation for many months, working closely with the Irish Cancer Society and Irish Heart Foundation. "Australia has already brought in many of these tobacco controls, like plain packaging and pictorial warnings and the EU should not be left behind in this vital fight against the tobacco industry."

In her letter, Childers and the Irish MEPs urge Barroso to proceed with the release of the Tobacco Products Directive before the end of 2013 in time for the Irish Presidency.

"We understand that work on the draft directive is at an advanced stage and it was due to be adopted by the College in the coming weeks. This is an extremely important piece of legislation which health professionals, patient groups and millions of EU citizens want to see as soon as possible.

"As you know, Ireland has been a leading member state in adopting tobacco control measures and this directive is a top priority of the upcoming Irish Presidency. We feel that it will have to be progressed extensively during the first half of 2013 for it to be completed before the end of this parliament.

"We are looking for your assurance that work on the directive will continue and it will be released as a matter of urgency."