Big tobacco pays EU €1.65 billion to fight contraband cigarettes, MEPs demand agreements

Budgetary control committee MEPs demand non-public documents on EU cooperation agreements with tobacco industry, hold meeting with OLAF chief Giovanni Kessler on Dalli investigation.

MEPs from the Budgetary Control Committee want to know more about the EU's relations with big tobacco.
MEPs from the Budgetary Control Committee want to know more about the EU's relations with big tobacco.

Members of the European Parliament in the budgetary control committee have written to the European Commission to provide the parliament with all documents and correspondence concerning cooperation agreements the Commission has with the tobacco industry.

The request was made on Tuesday, two days before the same MEPs held a "damp squib hearing" with OLAF chief Giovanni Kessler, reported on Thursday, on the investigation that was conducted on former European commissioner for health John Dalli.

MEPs from the budgetary control committee want access to all documents concerning cooperation agreements between the EC and Imperial Tobacco, Japan Tobacco International, British-American Tobacco, and Philip Morris International, all signed between 2004 and 2010.

To address the problem of contraband and counterfeit cigarettes, OLAF has legally binding and enforceable agreements with the world's four largest tobacco manufacturers, in which they agree to pay a collective total of €1.65 billion to the EU and countries participating in the agreements, and to prevent their products from being contrabanded by supplying only to legitimate markets and implement a tracking system to help law enforcement authorities if cigarettes are traded illegally.

"Smuggling of contraband and counterfeit cigarettes results in loss of customs duties - and VAT and excise duties - for national governments. The OLAF Cigarettes Task Group investigates and coordinates criminal cases relating to large-scale, international cigarette smuggling," OLAF's website states.

Japan Tobacco agreement - the agreement will be terminated if "there is a sustained and substantially complete failure of the reasonable expectations of JTI of the benefits to that Party of said agreement due to the behaviour of the other Party."

BAT agreement - the agreement may be terminated if "there are sustained and material failures of the reasonable expectations of BAT as to the benefits of this agreement to BAT."

ITL agreement - again, the agreement will be terminated if "there is sustained and substantially complete failure of the reasonable expectations of ITL of the benefits to that Party of said agreement due to behaviour of the other Party."

"All documents and correspondence concerning these agreements are of special importance to evaluate and analyse the possibility of conflicts of interest of the Commission emerging from those agreements," MEPs from all parliamentary groups said in the letter, "especially in the light of Article 12.3 of the JTI-Agreement, 12.4 of the BAT-Agreement, and Article 11 of the ITL Agreement."

"We demand comprehensive information on the relationship to the tobacco industry, in full disclosure," the MEPs write.

The same MEPs met OLAF chief Giovanni Kessler on Thursday, who on his part said the resignation of former supervisory committee president Christiaan Timmermans was unrelated to the Dalli investigation.

In comments to MaltaToday, German MEP Inge Graessle (EPP) said the allegations that had cost John Dalli his job - that he was aware of an attempt by a Maltese businessman to solicit a bribe to influence tobacco laws that Dalli was reviewing - are not yet clear enough.

"I wonder how the work was done and what the conclusions were that led to the resignation - this for me is relevant: what is the criminal act at the heart of the investigation? We still don't know, and I'm interested in the work that the police will do on the investigation."

"I'm sure a commissioner from a bigger member state would not have been dealt with that way," Graessle said referring to the instant resignation of Dalli on the strength of the covering letter accompanying OLAF's report. "We should also care about small member states."

Other similar agreements include the Philip Morris 12-year agreement signed with OLAF in 2004 to fight contraband cigarettes.

MEPs meet OLAF chief Kessler

German Liberal deputy Michael Theurer, the chairman of the budgetary control committee, said a behind-closed-doors meeting with Kessler "failed to clear up if ex-health commissioner John Dalli acted wrongly or why a top Olaf official has suddenly resigned."

Theurer said parliament chiefs should ask European Commission President José Manuel Barroso to hand over the OLAF report, or to come and answer questions himself.

"I think we have to put the question to the President of the commission and then I'm confident there can be found an appropriate way for the European Commission to inform parliament. We need to have a full insight into what happened. We could see the written report - that would be one thing - and if there is any evidence that we should investigate further, then there are different options ... parliament could set up an investigative committee." said that a source present at the Kessler meeting said that the OLAF chief hinted at the way the Zammit bribe took place: "He [Kessler] said: 'Imagine if I met my friend [a middleman] and some lobbyists in my flat. How would you feel about it?' But he phrased it in a very hypothetical way. We asked him: 'So what are the facts?' And he said: 'I can't give you the facts''."

On the strength of this source's claim, the example would tally with a Wall Street Journal report of a 10 February meeting between Dalli and a young Maltese lawyer, ostensibly a lobbyist for Swedish Match although Dalli says he is unaware of this, and Silvio Zammit - it was after Dalli explained the situation of the export ban on snus in the EU and walked out of the room, that Zammit allegedly floated the €60 million fee to influence the Tobacco Products Directive. This claim was made by Swedish Match vice-president Patrik Hildingsson.

EC midday brieing

The European Commission today said it cannot publish the report by anti-fraud office OLAF in an alleged case of bribery which has implicated former commissioner John Dalli, because of EU regulations.

A spokesperson for the Commission said the OLAF report was not the property of the Commission, and that this was part of EU legislation.

"The report is now in the hands of the Maltese judicial authorities and it is up to them whether to publish or not," spokesperson Olivier Bailly said with respect to the Attorney General's decision to pass on the OLAF report to the Commissioner for Police for investigation.

According to OLAF, "unambiguous" circumstantial evidence exists that Dalli was aware that Silvio Zammit, a Sliema businessman and political canvasser for the former minister, was soliciting a bribe from Swedish snus producers Swedish Match to influence tobacco legislation that Dalli was reviewing.

A former spokesperson for John Dalli also told the press in today's midday briefing in Brussels that the commissioner had been made aware of lobbying regulations upon taking up his post in the Commission.

Do we form part of Cain's or Abel's EU Club? Is Malta being used a a scapegoat? I have to work for over 12 years to get that salary of €240,000. €1,65 billion for safguarding the interest of tobacco companies is a lot of money. If they loose it how are they going to get their benefits? They are the Kings and Queens of Europe while the eu workers are the slaves, who have to make all the sacrifices and they get the benefits. Are these people interested in those who cannot make ends meet across europe? are they interested in those who doesn't have enough to eat for themselves or for their families???
can anyone imagine what pressures a ex small time portugese pm such as barroso would face from these multinationals forking out an incredible 1.6 billion euros if mr dalli's directive on smoking would have come into effect. where else would barroso get such money to balance the excravancies of eu budgets. mr dalli didnt know what he was up to when he decided to take on these multinationals. have olaf ever investigated how this billions of euros agreement was finalised?????? it appears that the law of being strong with the weak and meek with the mighty has also found its place in the highest circles of the eu.......
@ABC356...Kull ma ghedt huwa ezett...Naqbel ma kull kelma li ghedt....
@ABC.......naqbel mieghek. alfred sant kien qal li fil EU malta hija makku u kellu ragun. malta l'anqas biss hi ikkalkulata fil EU. nies bhal mintoff, quido demarco, fenech adami li dejjem hadmu biex malta tkun rispettata ma hawnx. huwa ta ghajb kif MEPs maltin baqaw halqom mghaluq u ma ippruvawx jiddefendu lil kumissarju malti dalli. u tal misthija kif il gvern u l-oppozizzjoni ma waqfux front wiehed biex isalvaw wicc pajjizna. fejn huwa il patrijotticizmu li il politici ta qabilkom kienu mgharufin ghalih. GHAJB.
It was obvious that John Dalli was treated in that manner because he was a commissioner from a small coutry, the EU's smallest, in fact. EC Pres. Barroso would not have been at all ruthless with a German, French or UK commissioner. He would have been very careful, because he knows those three could have him thrown out. And I suspect also that with the Maltese government apparently not at all trying to stand by Mr Dalli, Mr Barroso thought he had a walkover. Now Mr Dalli is raising hell. Keep it up. The Maltese government did not seem to mind that Malta's name was being rubbished. What a pity it did not show the same vigour to defend Mr Dalli as it had done in Malta to defend RCC.
Il-Gvern, apparti li jhossu zghir hdejn in gganti Europej u jitwerwer minnhom, forsi kellu ragunijiet tieghu ghalfejn jghaggel f'dan il-kaz - hidden agenda. Ma rajtux lil Bondi, li hu l-ispokesman tal-Gvern PN, kemm kien ferhan f'Bondi+ ?
naqbel perfettament mieghek ABC,ahjar flok parlament gdid ghamlu galninar tat tigieg ghax fil parlament malti tigieg hemm.mur bib lil mintoff prim ministu b'hall issa.gonzipn u bella kumpanija kolla laghqa tal barrani.
X inhuma jistennew l-awtoritajiet biex johorgu r-rapport?? Jaqaw jista' jkun li Zammit kien miftiehem ma tas-sigaretti u l-maltin riedu jehilsu minn Dalli?! Ohorgu r-rapport minghajr izjed dewmien halli ghal darba ohra JD juri l-qerq u l-ingann tat-tnehhija tieghu minn commissioner. Jigri x jigri Gonzi ghandu jew jirrizenja jew imur ghall-elezzjoni ghax hu ghazel lil Dalli u la ddefenda lilu u lanqas lil Malta taghna.
Fl-opinjoni tieghi,Kessler ghamel vroma, specjalment bil hafna paroli tieghu fil-konferenza. Kessler ma jistax ikun investigatur, prosekutur u mhallef fl-sitess hin. Hekk kien Kessler f'dik il-konferenza. Kessler kiser wiehed mid-drittijiet fundmentali l-aktar basici li 'persuna ghandha tibqa innocenti sakemm tinstab l hija hatja'. Nemmen ukoll li dan il-kaz gie trattat b'dan il-mod mill-Kummissjoni ghaliex Malta hija pajjiz zghir. Li kieku kien pajjiz iehor, l-affarijiet kienu jkunu xort'ohra. Ghalhekk nghid li l-Gvern ghamel hazin meta qabad u ghaggel biex jahtar kummissarju iehor flok Dalli. L-oppozizzjoni min-naha l-ohra hallit lill-Gvern idahhalha fi xkora. L-interess ta Malta huwa li tkun stmata daqs kull pajjiz iehor fl-UE. L-identita taghna ghandha tkun daqs ta haddiehor. Dik xi haga li Mintoff kien stabilixxa f'Pajjizna, taqbel jew le mieghu, u li llum spiccat. L-oppozizzjoni jinhtieg li tqum fuq taghha u mhux tibza biss li tista titlef il-voti. L-ewwel u qabel kollox tigti l-identita ta Pajjizna u taghna l-Maltin.