US Elections | Obama re-elected US President
US President Barack Obama defeats republican Mitt Romney to be re-elected as president and says "The best is yet to come."
Soon the voting will be over and the counting will be under way in the 2012 US elections. MaltaToday will be covering all the results as official exit polls are out. In order to secure victory one of the two candidates needs 270 electoral votes out of the 538 votes.
With results in from most states, Barack Obama has secured the 270 votes in the electoral college needed to win the race. Obama's margin of victory is not yet certain because two states have yet to report results.
In his victory speech Obama told a jubilant 20,000 crowd in Chicago "We have picked ourselves up, we have fought our way back and we know in our hearts that for the United States of America the best is yet to come".
Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, has called the president to concede defeat. With Florida still too close to call, Obama has won at least 303 electoral votes to Romney's 203.
Each state is allocated a number of electoral votes in rough proportion to its population. The candidate who wins 270 electoral votes - by prevailing in the mostly winner-takes-all state contests - becomes president.
The popular vote, which is symbolically and politically important but not decisive in the race, remains too close to ca
08:01am Obama ends his speech by saying "With God's grace we'll remind the world just why it is that we live in the greatest nation on Earth". He is joined by Joe Biden and the two families on stage, much to the crowds' delight.
08:00am "I believe we can seize this future together because we are not as divided as our politics suggest... We will continue out journey forward".
07:59am A fired upObama says the US is made up minorities. "Despite all the hardship we've been through I've never been more hopeful about our future, and I ask you to sustain that hope. It is not wishful idealism but that stubborn thing that insists something better awaits us as long as we have the courage to keep reaching".
07:58am "I've never been more hopeful about our future ... and I ask you to sustain that hope. I'm not talking about blind optimism".
07:55am "The role of citizen in our democracy does not end here with your vote. America ... is about what can be done by us, together." Obama points out that America is an exceptional because of its diversity.
07:53am Saying that he will reach out to his opponents in the coming weeks, he adds: "Tonight, you voted for action, not politics as usual. You elected us to focus on your jobs, not ours".
07:51am Citing America's role in the world and the need to invest in education, clean energy and create more jobs, Obama says: "Politics is not small, it's big. It's important. Democracy in a nation of 300 million can be noisy, messy and complicated".
07:45am "Whether you held an Obama sign or a Romney sign you made your voice heard and you made a difference". obama describes his team as the "best campaign team and volunteers in the history of politics".
07:42am "Iwant to thank every American who participated ... whether you voted for the very first time or waited in line for a very long time," Obama said, adding that "that has to be fixed". He thanks the "happy warrior", Vice-President Joe Biden, his own wife, Michelle and his daughters Sasha and Malia.
07:40am Thanking the crowd, Obama tells the crowd: "We are an American family that rises or falls as one nation."
07:38am Crowd chants "Four more years".
07:35am Obama his wife Michelle and their two girls Sasha and Malia walk on stage to a deafning ovation.
07:17am The White House has released a picture of Barack Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden, with their wives, embracing each other on hearing of their victory.
07:07am A jubilant crowd at the Obama headquarters in Chicago is expecting Obama to make his victory speech in seconds. Over 20,000 supporters have jammed in the arena.
06:59am Romney congratulates Obama and his campaign, and says he believes the president will be successful in guiding the nation through a challenging time.
06:57am Romney finally concedes defeat: "I have just called President Obama to congratulate him on his victory."
06:49am Here comes Mitt Romney.
06:16am Colorado has been adjudicated to Obama taking him rto 290 electoral votes. Some sources are also calling Virginia for Obama. If confirmed, it would be a more comfortable victory than many could have thought. still no sight of Romney in Boston as scenes of jubilation are coming in from Obama supporters around the country.
06:07am At the moment Obama has 281 electoral votes opposed to Romney's 203.
05:56am According to reports, Romney is reluctant to concede defeat as Ohio result is close and could call for recount. However, even without Ohio, Obama seems to have a comfortable lead in electoral college votes. Romney is on his way to Boston headquarters.
05:49am Obama ahead in Virginia, Florida and Colorado. Holds healthy lead in Nevada. Reportedly Romney is not ready to concede defeat for time being.
05:46am Crowd at Romney headquarters in Boston are refusing to accept Ohio result, holding that if vote count difference is 0.25% or less a recount should be held, however that looks unlikely.
Traditionally the loser holds speech to concede defeat before winner holds speech. Still no sign of Republican candidate at Boston.
05:39am With 59% of votes counted, Romney leads popular vote by 49,9% to 48.7%. Yet its the electoral college votes that count and Obama has surpassed the 270 mark. If Obama wins Florida and Virginia it would be a surprise landslide victory. Obama supporters celebrate victory in Times Square in New York and all around the country.
05:32am Obama supporters cry, scream and dance as result is announced. Republican strategist Karl Rove hints at recounts in a number of states where gap is less then 0,25%.
05:17am Obama wins Ohio and surpasses magical 270 electoral votes. Obama tweets "This happened because of you. Thank You." Obama's speech expected soon. Crowds in Chicago dance to the Beatles' Twist and Shout.
05:16am Oregon and Iowa go to Obama and takes him to 256 electoral votes, just 14 votes away from victory. Some news networks proclaim Obama win. Crowds at Chicago Obama headquarters greet news with loud cheers.
05:03am As expected Obama carries California, Hawaii and Washington. Romney takes Idaho, Arizona, North Carolina and Montana. Obama now has 244 electoral votes and Romney's tally stands at 203. Democrats confirm majority in Senate.
04:58am 173 electoral votes for Obama, 174 for Romney. 270 needed to win. West Coast projections expected in a few minutes.
04:52am Arizona's 11 electoral votes go to Romney. Swing states Florida, Virginia, Ohio, North Carolina, Virginia, Colorado, Iowa and Nevada still to be called. Romney is hanging on to a lead of 49.9% in Virginia, but Obama is snapping at his heels on 48.7%.
04:48am As Obama's lead in Ohio now down to 2% and his lead over Romney in Florida by just a few thousand votes remains, the President is on his way to his headquarters in Chicago.
04:23am Wisconsin Goes to Obama who now leads 172 to 163 electoral college votes. 270 needed to win. the predominantly Democratic West Coast states to be declared in coming minutes.
04:22am Obama holds on to New Mexico and adds five electoral votes to his tally.
04:16am Obama surges ahead in Florida and maintains a solid lead in Ohio. Thousands of cheerful Obama supporters are trickling in at the Democratic headquarters in Chicago. Mitt Romney's paths to victory are narrowing. With New Hampshire called and Wisconsin apparently in the president's grasp an Obama win in Florida would all but secure victory.
04:03am Romney carries Mormon capital Utah to go to 158 electoral college votes. Iowa, Montana and Nevada too close to call. In Ohio, which could decide the vote, 20% of the vote has been counted. and Obama is ahead with 53.6%, and Romney at 45%.
03:58am With 23% of precincts in, Romney is ahead in the popular vote. However this is ineffective since the election is decided by the electoral college votes.
03:54am 157 electoral college votes for Obama after New Hampshire and Minnesota. Romney stands at 153.
03:52am Obama seems to have performed strongly among young voters, women and Hispanics and Afro-Americans.
03:49am With Obama slightly ahead in Florida, Ohio and Colorado he seems to be inching closer to victory. However all swing states are too close to call and the Obama team is not giving anything away at the headquarters in the President's hometown Chicago.
03:45am Still too close to call. As Obama stacks up more states, Romney needs to win Florida and Virginia to remain in the race until Ohio is called.
03:30am Romney leads with 153 votes to Obama's 142. None of the key battlegrounds has been called yet. Romney leading with just 564 votes on Florida.
03:25am Pennsylvania goes to Obama, adding another 20 electoral votes to his tally. 270 votes needed to win.
It's going down to the wire in Florida. With more than 48% of the votes counted the candidates are tied at 49.5% for Obama and 49.7% for Romney. Florida is a huge prize, with 29 electoral college votes at stake. Expect some recounts if final result remains close.
03:12am While the Florida vote is very close, with Romney enjoying a very lean advantage on Obama with 74% of votes counted, Obama's lead in Ohio is consolidated. Romney is also ahead in Virginia and Colorado, however if Romney carries Florida, Virginia and Colorado it could still not be enough for him to enter the Oval Office.
03:03am Republicans retain control of the Congress. The Congress could end up choosing the president if the two candidates end up in a tie. This could lead to having an odd partnership at the White House since Mitt Romney could be chosen as President by the Republican controlled Congress and current Vice-President Joe Biden re-confirmed by the Democrat controlled Senate.
03:02am Romney now leads President Obama by 152 electoral votes to 123.
Romney wins Kansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming.
On the other hand Obama wins Michigan, new Jersey and New York.
Swing states Colorado and a Wisconsin are too close to call.
02:32am Republican strongholds Arkansas, Tennessee and Alabama all called for Romney. These latest projections give Romney 82 electoral votes to Obama's 64.
The incumbent is still ahead in Ohio and Florida, however these are too early to call.
With 5% of total votes counted, Romney is winning the national popular vote with 52% to 47%.
02:20am Although its too early to call, Virginia an important swing state is leaning towards Romney who is estimated to have 57% of the vote.
02:14am Georgia goes to Romney giving him a total of 56 electoral votes.
02:02am Obama retains a number of blue states, taking his tally to 64 electoral votes. These include Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Illinois, Maryland, Maine, Massachusetts and Rhode Island
Oklohoma goes to Romney taking his total projected electoral votes to 40. No surprises there.
Obama is still provisionally ahead in Florida and ohio which if confirmed would almost certainly secure the Democrat re-election. However these two pivotal states alongside Virginia and other states are still too close to call.
01:41am Republican stronghold South Carolina is also called for Romney giving him a projected 33 electoral votes against Obama's 3.
01:31am West Virginia goes to Romney giving the Republican candidate 24 electoral votes in total against Obama's 3.
Ohio which is deemed vital for the overall victory is estimated to be leaning in Obama's favour with 51% to Romney's 48%.
Obama is also ahead in Florida which holds 29 votes while North Carolina is tied according to initial estimates.
01:02am First projections in. Vermont goes to Obama while Indiana and Kentucky goes to Romney. That would give Obama 3 electoral votes against Romney's 19.
Indiana, a traditionally red state was carried by Obama in 2008, however his Republican rival has regained the state according to projections.
Virginia, seen as a pivotal state is too close call with both candidates tied on 49%.Initial indications show that most states had a high turnout, but no official statistics are out yet. Though the polls have officially closed in the state, there are still reports of long queues in many polling stations.
A number of other states where polls are closed are too close to call, including North Carolina, New Hampshire and the all important Florida.