Updated | Socialists: 'Borg left many open questions'

Socialists vote to reject Borg in internal meeting vote, but allow MEPs free vote.

S&D leader Hannes Swoboda confirmed a split inside the socialists grouping.
S&D leader Hannes Swoboda confirmed a split inside the socialists grouping.

The group of Socialists & Democrats in the European Parliament have voted to reject Tonio Borg for the post of European Commissioner, but have agreed to give their members a free vote tomorrow in Strasbourg.

The news comes in the wake of a decision by the socialists' political grouping, in which 62 MEPs voted in favour of a statement to reject Borg, against 24.

The socialists, which command 189 seats, are key to the non-binding vote that must approve or reject Borg in a secret ballot tomorrow.

Hannes Swoboda, President of the S&D Group, commented: "The S&D Group acknowledges Mr Borg's performance during his hearing and took note of his declaration that his personal views would not interfere with his duties as Commissioner, if appointed. But gender equality and the rights of women and homosexuals are still under fire from a part of Europe's right wing and the S&D Group wants to see the position filled by someone with a track record on respecting and furthering these rights."

Ahead of today's vote in the European Parliament plenary session, he continued: "Should Mr Borg be confirmed by a majority of the European Parliament, we will co-operate with him in his area of competence. He will then have the duty and opportunity to convince the many citizens who have voiced doubts about his position and his commitment to fundamental rights."

Although greens, liberals and left-wingers in the EP have declared they will reject Borg, it is yet to be seen whether the split inside the socialists' grouping will be enough to reject Borg's appointment - the European People's Party (271) and the European Conservatives and Reformists (52) as well as the right-wing European of Freedom and Democracy (34) are expected to overwhelmingly support Borg.

Borg will need a simple majority of the EP's 754 members.

Also today, Greens-EFA co-president Rebecca Harms said that her political group would be rejecting Borg, even though co-president Dani Cohn Bendit was last week revealed that he would support Borg, fearing that more important political issues would be sidelined over Borg's conservative views on gay rights and abortion, amongst other issues.

"We don't think he will really fight for European values or for the European treaties. This scepticism, due to what Mr Borg said about homosexuals, is justified. He is against abortion, against contraception, and I think that Malta does not need such a Catholic commissioner," Harms said.

Arnold Cassola, AD spokesperson on EU and International Affairs, said he had written to the Green group in the European Parliament stating that Alternattiva Demokratika is against Tonio Borg's nomination. "AD is not against Borg's nomination because he is a Catholic but because he has tried to impose his personal views on everybody, with regards to gay rights and divorce, and because he was in favour of Berlusconi's pushback policy of migrants as well as sending Eritrean refugees back home to be tortured as evidenced by Amnesty International and UNHCR..... which goes against the basic teaching of the Catholic church. The personal faith of every person, including Commissioners, should be always respected, whatever it is," Cassola said.

Other MEPs, like Liberal MEP Sophie In't Veldt, said she would still vote against Borg despite his letter of assurances: "It is a shame if Mr. Borg feels he has to deny or betray his views. In a political campaign, a candidate should seek support by promoting his political views, not by trying to hide them. Denouncing his earlier views does not make him a more credible candidate. I much prefer a candidate who stands by his views, no matter how much I abhor them. Mr. Borg has tried to assure MEPs of his moderate views, during the confirmation hearing and in a letter. He has made some very positive statements, regarding LGBT rights notably. But of course his track record has to be taken into consideration as well."

Borg's letter to all MEPs this week, professing his belief in the "innate dignity of all, regardless of their sexual orientation or distinctions", was yesterday followed up by an endorsement from Commission President José Manuel Barroso who told EP president Martin Schulz that "a positive vote on Borg's appointment is in our mutual interest".

Barroso said that Borg has "shown that he is fully qualified on the substance matter of the portfolio".

Borg's letter came in the wake of a request by members of the ENVI committee to pledge his full commitment to several of his promises and statements made during a hearing last week, and outlines his promise to MEPs to fight discrimination in all its forms.

In his letter, Borg commits himself to the principle of Article 21 of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights, Article 19 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU, and EU anti-discrimination and case law as fulfillment of his pledge to fight any sort of discrimination, after he was accused of having made homophobic statements in the past.

You cannot work to impose your Catholic views on everybody else by trying to change the Constitution or deny equal rights to gays in one country but than, when you are promised a huge salary and other perks, promise to be a liberal and not sound hypocritical. Neither can you than promise to abide by EU rules when the Commission gives huge amounts of money to large abortion providers and than look credible. http://www.europeandignitywatch.org/fileadmin/user_upload/PDF/Day_to_Day_diverse/Funding_of_Abortion_Through_EU_Development_Aid_full_version.pdf
insult ghal poplu malti u ghawdxi.
Joseph MELI
People always come out with such unsupported by fact, or uncorroborated in any way whatsoever claims, whenever they wish to promote their own personal viewpoint by saying that either ALL, or else the Majority, of Maltese want this, that or the other-as in the case of the thorny Abortion issue.Who on earth WANTS abortion but what we all want is the Freedom to Choose and to sanction a termination when clearly ,in certain cases ,not doing so compromises and endangers the life of the mother(as in Ireland erecently) or else when a conception is as a result of rape or incest.We cannot have a blanket-cover no abortion policy nor can we have a similar approach to a total, unconditional abortion policy for capricious reasons but we must have an option and we must first protect the living.
Il-faqar ta GonziPN jidher kollu car u tond f'360 degrees li ghamel Dr Tonio Borg.Dan haseb li qed jipprova jikkonvinci lil xi erba ta Bondi+ u Xarabank ? The Europeans saw through him, and what's worse, they even saw the worst aspect of it: the roundabout turn, f'dak li ghandu x'jaqsam what he stands for 'ghal konvenjenza'! DR Borg, li bhal persuna privata huwa integru,intelligenti u jovial,jirraprezenat l-falzita ta immagini li GonziPN jipprova jipprogetta lilu innifsu f'realta li ma tezistix: la f'Malta u wisq anqas fl-Ewropa! Ghalhekk we are going to the dogs: issa- to break the camel's back, jonqosna biss l-finanzi fis-sod hrejjef-wara li ghamel 6 biljun ewro dejn- ikissruna bhal ma kisser lil Grecja l-gideb (bhal ta GozniPN) f'dawn l-ahhar xhur! Maltin stenbhu, Malta is at the cross road, u l-klikka filgitna u rgheded il-mudullun mill-ghadam taghna kollu!
What about the bribes Tony accepted ? Will Rizzo get his head out of Gonzi ass and go and investigate ?
Joseph MELI
Surely I cant be the only one who saw the possibility of this as I clearly expressed such a reservation.All I could hear was the loud clicking of the beads on the abacus board counting the chickens still in their shells and yet to hatch ,which still may cluck in Borg's favour but why was everyone so confident and on waht grounds?.Borg should have adpoted the Dalli -3 wise monkeys -approach to getting a Commissioners job by seeing all ,hearing all but saying eff all -although it didn't do him much good in the end when he upset the oligarchs and despots occuying the EU hierachy
As usual all PN MP's never say the truth but they just try to beat behind the bush and say what people want to hear. Borg is wearing two hats. One in Malta as a comnfessional Mp and the other as a liberalas the EU members would likie to hear. where is the honesty. "It is a shame if Mr. Borg feels he has to deny or betray his views."
David Bongailas
@fenea........may I ask how on earth did you come to the cocnclusion that the majority of Maltese are against abortion and contraception ? Did you go knocking on people's doors conducting a survive all over Malta ???
This is soooooooo humiliating for Malta,you Maltese parliamentarians grow a pair and answer the EU back.
@fenea: With all due respect to you, why do you think that the majority of the Maltese think like you? Have you asked them? For sure, St. TB is against these and yet he signed in their prospective introduction in Malta. The problem with this country is that you think you hold the key to heaven; self-righteous but yet all hypocrits. Where were people like you when one particular politician was under going chemo therapy and the party to which TB belongs (the pseudo- ultra catholic spineless seducees in front of EU power) made good fun of him? You remind me of the high priests in the times of Christ and their double-standard relationship with the Romans!
I highly admire tonio borg for his values, integrity and his behavior. Why is he being rejected in this way? The very diversity that the EU promotes is non existent. It seems that in the EU all priorities are wrong! What is there wrong with a person's own belief values. I think everyone should have freedom to express his values and beliefs. It seems that the EU which boasts so much about respecting rights and values is just another power seeking and mind control organization.
@fenea. Tinsiex x'kien qalilna Eddie qabel dhalna membri shah fl-EU. Din mhix xi menu ta restaurant u taghzel minnha li trid. Il-ligijiet li jorbtuna konna nafuhom imma minghalina xorta konna se nkunu choosy. Gharrallna bil-kbir, siehbi.
And the chicken have come home to roost -- maybe at last! This sentence probably sums it up best: "It is a shame if Mr. Borg feels he has to deny or betray his views. In a political campaign, a candidate should seek support by promoting his political views, NOT BY TRYING TO HIDE THEM. DENOUNCING HIS EARLIER VIEW DOES NOT MAKE HIM A MORE CREDIBLE CANDIDATE. I much prefer a candidate who stands by his views, no matter how much I abhor them. Mr. Borg has tried to assure MEPs of his moderate views, during the confirmation hearing and in a letter. He has made some very positive statements, regarding LGBT rights notably. BUT OF COURSE HIS TRACK RECORD HAS TO BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION AS WELL." -- AND RIGHTLY SO -- because his track record is abysmal! ... For example: Where is the long promised cohabitation law??? As leader of the House, who but Borg is to blame for its non-introduction in Malta??? ... He and his ilk have been shoving their 'values' down everyone's throat far too long! Now the fascists are getting a taste of their own medicine for a change. And this pinnur has been shown for the hypocrate he really is! ... Last but not least by nominating this dino the Gonz has again shown how brilliant he is LOL ... Povra Malta! A change cannot happen soon enough.
Mid-dehra ma ghandhomx taste tal-pastizzi l-Belgium.
He is against abortion, against contraception, and I think that Malta does not need such a Catholic commissioner," Harms said...........this in an insult to the maltese people. i hope that maltese politicians reacts against this statement. ms harms should be notified that not only dr borg is against abortion and contraception but the majority of maltese politicions and maltese people.