Berlusconi announces candidature, Mario Monti to step down

President’s office announces Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti’s intention to step down just hours after Silvio Berlusconi announces fresh run.

As Silvio Berlusconi announces intention to run for election, Italian PM Mario Monti is set to quit.
As Silvio Berlusconi announces intention to run for election, Italian PM Mario Monti is set to quit.

Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti is stepping down, the president's office announced, just hours after the man he replaced, Silvio Berlusconi, said he would run again for head of government.

According to a statement issued from the office of the president on Saturday, Mario Monti "does not think it possible to continue his mandate and consequently made clear his intention to present his resignation".

The announcement came after the leader of the technocrat government met with Napolitano at the presidential Quirinal palace for more than an hour. Already Friday, Monti had held talks with parliamentary political leaders including Angelino Alfano of Berlusconi's right-wing People of Freedom (PDL) party.

Monti would check to see if the various political parties were ready to approve the budget his government had advanced as soon as possible. But once that had been done he would step down, said the statement.

Comments Alfano has made in parliament amounted to a declaration of no confidence in Monti's government and its policies, the statement added.

"We believe the experience of the Monti government is over, Alfano told parliament earlier this week. But he added that as the PDL wanted an "orderly conclusion" to the legislature, it would not try to bring down the government.

Monti's government had been due to step down in spring next year, with a general election expected in March or April.

But Berlusconi's PDL fired a shot across the government's bows on Thursday, twice abstaining from confidence votes in the government to protest Monti's policies.

Recent polls have suggested that the centre-left Democratic Party would win an election -- but not with an outright majority, forcing it to seek coalition partners.

The party is now led by Luigi Bersani, who was voted into the post only last weekend.

Berlusconi said in his statement that he had opened talks with former coalition allies the Northern League, a formerly separatist party, to try to agree on backing a single candidate.

He has also called a meeting of his PDL party for Sunday.

"I am running to win," he told journalists in Milanello. "When I did sport, when I worked and studied, I never entered into a competition to be well-placed but always to win."

vera clown
the Italians would, indeed, be a silly people if they let this outrageous buffoon back into politics. It was this man's incompetence that let to the mess that Italy finds itself in today