Argentina puts forward claim over Falklands

Argentinian President Kirchner releases public letter insisting that the UK honours UN resolutions by relinquishing control of islands.

President Kirchner
President Kirchner

Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has released a public letter urging the United Kingdom to relinquish its control over the disputed Falkland Islands. 

Kirchner accused Britain of taking part in an act of "blatant colonialism" in claiming the archipelago and called on UK Prime Minister David Cameron to honour UN resolutions that indicate both sides should sit at the negotiating table to discuss the sovereignty of the Falklands. 

"One-hundred-and-eighty years ago on the same date, January 3rd, in a blatant exercise of 19th-century colonialism, Argentina was forcibly stripped of the Malvinas Islands, which are situated 14,000km away from London," Kirchner says in the letter, forwarded to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

Britain asserted control of the south Atlantic islands by placing a naval garrison there in 1833.

Britain and Argentina fought a brief war in 1982 after Argentina invaded the islands. More than 900 people died, most of them Argentines.

Cameron rebuffed the Argentine President's demand that the islands be handed over.

"The future of the Falkland Islands should be determined by the Falkland Islanders themselves, the people who live there," Cameron said.

He said Kirchner should pay heed to the result of a referendum to be held on the islands this year, noting that whenever the islanders "have been asked their opinion, they say they want to maintain their current status with the United Kingdom."

The Argentine people believe their country holds historical sovereignty over the islands, and welcomed their Presidents strong action.

"I think what the government has done is perfect. They are reminding them (British government) we will not stop demanding Argentina's sovereignty in the Falklands," said one Buenos Aires resident.

The government of the Falklands Islands attacked Kirchner's letter as "historically inaccurate", saying that it had chosen its relationship status with the UK.

The islands have a right, enshrined in the UN charter, to determine their own future and have exercised that to retain links with the UK, the Falkland Islands government said in a statement.


If Thatcher was still around - we would have a regular cat fight!