Assad says Britain bullying Syria

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad accuses Britain of bullying and naivety in its approach to the conflict in Syria.

President Bashar al-Assad said Britain was ''determined to militarise the problem''.
President Bashar al-Assad said Britain was ''determined to militarise the problem''.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has accused Britain of acting in a "naive, confused and unrealistic manner" and warned other nations to stop interfering in his country's affairs, in a rare interview with The Sunday Times newspaper.

In an interview published on Saturday evening, his first with a western newspaper in more than a year, Assad said he was also unhappy with the UN for overestimating the death toll in the conflict at 70,000 in a bid to justify outside intervention.

This (British) government is acting in a naive, confused and unrealistic manner," he said of prime minister David Cameron's conservative leadership, for trying to end an EU arms embargo so that the rebels could be supplied with weapons.

"We do not expect an arsonist to be a firefighter," he said, dismissing a suggestion that Britain could help to resolve the conflict.

"If they want to play a role they have to change this, they have to act in a more reasonable and responsible way."

The two countries have not had contact for a long time, he said.

Offering a message to "anyone who is talking about the Syrian people," he said, "only Syrian people can tell the president to stay or leave, come or go, no one else."

Lebanese-British reporter Hala Jaber, who also interviewed Assad in 2011, spoke this time to the president in Damascus.

She said he drove himself to the location, "a relatively modest building", and was told "that despite regular explosions, Assad insists on maintaining a normal lifestyle including - to his security chief's dismay - driving to the office in the morning."

Jaber said Assad, who was softly spoken throughout the sit-down interview, adopted a conciliatory tone when discussing future negotiations.

"We are ready to negotiate with anyone, including militants who surrender their arms," he declared. "We are not going to deal with terrorists who are determined to carry weapons, to terrorise people, to kill civilians, to attack public places or private enterprise and to destroy the country."

The interview was timed to coincide with Kerry's first foreign tour as secretary of state.

Kerry met Syrian rebels in Rome last Thursday and announced that $60m of "non-lethal" US aid would go directly to them for the first time.

"The intelligence, communication and financial assistance being provided is very lethal," Assad countered, pointing out that "non-lethal" technology had been used to deadly effect in the 9/11 attacks.

William Hague, UK foreign secretary, is expected to announce a package of British assistance this week.

"The British government wants to send military aid to moderate groups in Syria, knowing all too well that such moderate groups do not exist in Syria," Assad said. "We all know that we are now fighting al-Qaeda, or Jabhat al-Nusra, an offshoot of al-Qaeda, and other groups of people indoctrinated with extreme ideologies.

"This is beyond hypocritical," he added, echoing Hague's comment about him.

The money is meant to pay the salaries of the US proxy army of foreign mercenaries hailing from 30 different countries, foremost of which US occupied Libya. The money also serves to buy advanced and heavy NATO weapons which the US, Germany, Britain and France would previously sell to the Gulf State tyrannies. These are the handlers of the terrorists Assad is talking about, which are the same US, Turkey, Israel, and the repressive US allied Gulf state tyrannies. They are the ones harboring, training, arming and sending terrorists to commit genocides and massacres inside Syria which they then blame on the Syrian government. These terrorists are stationed in Bases on Syria's borders with Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Israeli occupied Golan Heights. Yesterday evening for example, under cover of darkness there was a major invasion from Turkey of more than 50,000 mercenaries armed to the teeth with night vision equipment, tanks, artillery and ground to surface missiles among other, headed by US, Turkish, Israeli, French, Dutch and German special forces under cover. They bombed the Turkish border city of Raqqa incessantly for hours massacring hundreds of the majority Alawite and Shia residents of this pro-Assad bastion. Till then the city was peaceful and was home thousands of refuges who fled the terrorist onslaught against other towns and cities in Syria. At the moment these foreign, US, EU, Turkish and co supported, trained and armed terrorists are engaged in an orgy of mass murders, raps and terror against the civilians they find in the city while those who can are fleeing the city in their thousands.
Hmmm, I got the distinct impression that it has always was and been Assad that has been bullying Syria.