Hindu leader calls for Malta boycott if illegal hunting is not curbed

Hindu leader Rajan Zed urges government to end illegal hunting otherwise EU should institute some kind of tourism boycott.

Hindu leader Rajan Zed called for a tourism boycott on Malta if illegal hunting does not end.
Hindu leader Rajan Zed called for a tourism boycott on Malta if illegal hunting does not end.

Expressing shock at the reported illegal spring bird hunting and trapping in Malta, Hindu leader Rajan Zed urged immediate intervention by the EU.

In a statement Hindu statesman Rajan Zed said: "the world did not understand why the Malta Government was allowing it to continue, which reportedly included killing of some protected, threatened and rare bird species."

Zed urged Malta Government to "wholeheartedly" end this illegal tradition.

During the last couple of weeks, a number of hunters were arraigned in court and convicted for illegal hunting as the hunters' federation and environmental NGOs are at loggerheads over the reported illegalities.

Rajan Zed is an Indo-American and Hindu leader who has taken up Hindu, interfaith, religion, environment, Roma and other causes all over the world. He is also President of Universal Society of Hinduism.

He pointed out that thousands of migratory birds which flew through Malta on their path to breeding places in Europe were a world heritage and did not belong to Malta or any other particular country.

"Malta should not be allowed to shoot these valuable bird species for whose protection millions were being spent, and if it continued, EU should institute some kind of tourism boycott of Malta," Zed added.

He called on President George Abela and Prime Minister Joseph Muscat for efficient and effective government action on this issue, which he said was urgently needed as it was long overdue.

Zed pointed out that Malta, which lies on the strategic European-African bird migration route, was said to have the highest density of hunters per square mile in Europe, and noted that it should show strong political will.

He asked for effective implementation of the conservation laws in Malta, adding that the majority of Maltese, were not hunters or trappers and should raise public opinion against these crimes against biodiversity.

Who are you trying to kid, Sur GrechAttard ?? Illegal hunters in Malta have done whatever they liked for ever. So what if we've caught one now ?(or was it two ??) - it changes nothing. Hunters have done anything they please for too long now - you have created a monster you can no longer control. All your wailing and shouting comes far too late - hunters have no credibility left. No one believes you any more - get it ?
Dear editor, please do a search on this charlatan before giving him any creedence.
Mr. Rajan, ILLEGAL hunting is being punished in Malta as never before! Can you put yourself up to date please? The hunters who break Maltese Law are punished. The Maltese Laws do not go against EU laws, or else the EU would have admonished Malta. Two wrongs do not make a right, but I would like to know what you did when India produced nuclear weapons, not so very long ago, to the detriment of world peace. The world belongs to all people, and yet India (and others) did not give a damn thought!
Mr.Zed is worried because in Malta there is some irresponsable vandals who are breaking the hunting laws. You should be more conserned on how many females can't walk safely in your country because they fear of being raped at any moment even if they are accompaned by their husband or boyfriend.The raping of students and small children does not worry you Mr Zed,the killing of birds by some irresponsable poachers makes you more concern.If the EU should make a boycot on tourism,what the whole world should do on your country?
While I am totally against the shooting of any form of fauna, whether in spring or in winter, I totally agree with the majority of the writers that this self proclaimed Hindu Leader has no right or cause to request a ban on Tourism in Malta. On the other hand, I disagree with Carmel Grima. Gonzi, and Fenech Adami deceived the hunters into voting for their corrupt government by letters sent by the respective Prime Ministers promising them a continuation, unheeded, of their "sport" when it was clear that EU Rules banned such crazy killings. It was this false sense of protection which empowered the hunters to do what they wanted.
I will boycott all Indian restaurants and shops in Malta.
Mr. Rajan are real? It is all there for all to see on YouTube. A poor young women half naked hanging on a tree. Her guilt is: (1)she is living an Indian (2) she is a female (3) There is no guaranteed protection for females. To update you Sir, the report say this woman was on a train gang raped by drunk Indians who later hanged her and as usual never caught. Come on Mr. Rajan have you not got enough problems in Indian to mind your own business and concern?
i agree totaly with ycc, the maltese should stand up and write on Rajans facebook like I did, he wants to discuss something that is being fuelled to him by a Maltese person who is scared to come in the open and give his views. Rajan should talk about the children that are being used as slaves in india and the killing of the rarest tigers in the world in india....
hey rajan we will make sure the world bans india too for all the killings and mall treatment of elephants and for all the indian children of ages of 14 and below that are being used as slaves. think rajan is it a bird that worries you or those indian children being used as slaves??
George Zammit
Another self-appointed bonehead, regurgitating all the nonsense that Birdlife and their cosy network have been forcefeeding the world for years. Millions spent to protect Quail and Turtle Dove? Bullshit. Totally untrue. Strategic European-African bird migration? Bullshit. Totally untrue. Wholeheartedly end this illegal tradition? Bullshit. Not only totally untrue, but totally legal. Sod off, Rajan. You'd be better off addressing the poverty, caste system, treatment of women etc. in India.
Emmanuel Mallia
Is he boycotting Spain for its torture of bulls ?
Hindus have been killing Muslims and the other way round for centuries. Go to India for a week and you see dead people from hunger in the street without anybody giving them a second glance.. Three thousand children die from hunger every day. And this chap comes along and preaches about killing birds?
Dear Mr Zed,tourist come to Malta because it is the best and safer country in all Europe.
Mr Zed is right ,thanks for your help.The Spring birds shooting should stop for ever .As this noon I was birds watching from a Gozo hill called Nuffara it is located between Xaghra and Nadur close to where the Maltese Falcon use to nest.It's a beautiful sight, but was full of birds killers shooting at every thing that flies within their range.In 1 hour that I spend their I witness 10 birds of prey getting shot at which more than 5 was killed on the spot,the others was wounded and kept flying.
"Malta,..., was said to have the highest density of hunters per square mile in Europe" ... in this country we have the highest density of everything Mr. Zed..
Issa l-kaccaturi jirrejalizzaw kemm Dr. Gonzi qatt ma ried iwegga l-l-kaccaturi imma kellu decizjoni iebsa x'jaghamel: jew ipaxxi l-kaccaturi li ma ghandhomx kuxjenza u dejjem iridu imma jitlef l-industrija tat-turizmu, bl-gheluf ta' haddiema li thaddem jew juri lid-dinja li hu qed jikkontrolla l-kaccaturi u jhallihom bil-limitu li ipprovdilhom.Issa imiss li l-Birdlife tigbor 33,000 firma biex jghamel referendum abrogattiv(tigbor 100,000 f'hakka t'ghajn jekk trid)u kollox ikollu joqghod ghal li jghid ir-referendum. Prosit fknk kemm int diplomatika.
Exactly and that is why we should also call for some sort of boycott on India too for the appauling and horrific way women (of all ages) are treated there. Because "the world" is also questioning why the Indian authorities are failing to curb this gender discriminatory tradition/practice upon Indian women. Hence re-hunting one must keep in mind that all EU states are equal under EU law hence any derrogations made in one state must not be prevented from being applied in any other state. Yet birds in one state or in another are still birds hence if any fight towards hunting is to be made it must be made towards ALL EU states and not just a selected country. Any abuse or illegal acts must go punished as was the case in Malta recently. The world is packed with forms of discriminations towards humans and animals which need to be stopped. Yet it would be a mistake to tackle such problems only upon a selcted few as this would not only prevent the solution to the problem but would also be an act of discrimination in itslef.
Exactly and that is why we should also call for some sort of boycott on India too for the appauling and horrific way women (of all ages) are treated there. Because "the world" is also questioning why the Indian authorities are failing to curb this gender discriminatory tradition/practice upon Indian women. Hence re-hunting one must keep in mind that all EU states are equal under EU law hence any derrogations made in one state must not be prevented from being applied in any other state. Yet birds in one state or in another are still birds hence if any fight towards hunting is to be made it must be made towards ALL EU states and not just a selected country. Any abuse or illegal acts must go punished as was the case in Malta recently. The world is packed with forms of discriminations towards humans and animals which need to be stopped. Yet it would be a mistake to tackle such problems only upon a selcted few as this would not only prevent the solution to the problem but would also be an act of discrimination in itslef.
Mr Zed should worry more on religious wars going on in India where Hindus kill muslims and muslims kill christians, hindu kill christians so on and so forth. Are birds worth more than human lives. Get real Mr Zed and stop butting you nose where you shouldn't
Why doesn't this moron worry about Indian grndfathers selling their grandaughters on Face book. Who the hell is this guy calling for a tourism boycott on Malta,? I guess the government should declare this moron as a persona non grata and arrest him should set foot in Malta. Mr Zed you have enough to worry about in India, like buildings collapsing because of shoddy workmanship killing people not birds. How about illegal adoptions. Are you so dumb as to prfer birds over humans.
is this all he can do/advise this hindu leader with all his karma?!!
Sorry Zed, Maltese politicians simply don't have the balls to take on the hunters.